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1 week later

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1 week later

I finally settled into bed after making sure everyone was fed or at least had a plate for them when they woke up. My phone begin to ring making me scrunch up my face.

It was the lawyer calling about Alaesha's stability within her mind.

"Hello" I answered not trying to sound mean or upset.

"Oh yes Ms. Jenkins we have the test results for Alaesha."

"I figured, so wassup? Is everything okay?" I asked truly wanting to know the answer.

"Well after asking her some questions they diagnosed her with clinical depression and anxiety, they're saying you should get her some therapy and antidepressants."

"Alright thank to Luke, have that prescription to me by 12 tomorrow please."

"Yes ma'am" he spoke before hanging up the phone.

I got out of the bed and went to Alaesha's room, making sure to knock on the door.

"Come in" she spoke from the other side.

I opened the door and walked in,sitting beside her on the bed making her look at me weirdly.

"I need you to be ready to go with me tomorrow okay?" I smiled at her.

She looked over at me and quietly nodded, the complete opposite of what Renae would of done.

"What time?" She asked softly.

"I'll be leaving out at 12:30."

Once again she just nods.

"Alright, goodnight my love" I smile laying a kiss on her forehead.

She smiled a little "goodnight."


My alarm begin to go off letting me know it was 11 o'clock

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My alarm begin to go off letting me know it was 11 o'clock. I sigh and got out of my comfortable bed , making my way to the bathroom to begin to get ready.

Once I had my clothes picked out my phone begin to ring. I answered it already knowing who it was.

"Hey sexy what you doing?" Jah's voice playfully rung through the phone.

I giggled "I'm trying to get ready."

"To do what?" He asked sounding like he was moving around.

"I don't know my aunt said she's taking me out with her today" I shrugged, standing in front of my mirror to get dressed.

I sat the phone down and put it on speaker.

"How long will y'all be out?" He asked finally staying still.

"I don't know, I doubt it'll be long though."

"Alright, call me when you get back."

"Okay, talk to you later" I spoke before hanging up.




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