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Briana was excited to go on the stand and tell the story that she had memorized by now.

"Okay Ms.Thomas you say that Mr.Onfroy hit you after a long night of drinking?" His lawyer asked, walking up to the stand.

"He retaliates and says that you came home drunk and he kicked you out now could you tell the courtroom your story.

"Well we were watching a movie in his room when his phone kept ringing but he wouldn't answer it until I told him to answer it. I didn't hear his conversation because I went downstairs to get us some more snacks but when I came back he told me he had to go but I started to argue with him about it and-" she paused as she forced the fake tears out of her eyes making Alaesha scrunch up her face at her.

"And he forced me to have sex with him" she spoke making Jahseh's body begin to overheat.

"Could you tell me what time it was when this happened?"  He asked.

"12" she said, remembering that Alaesha said he cane to her house by 12:30.

"But I'm your statement it says 2" the lawyer argued.

"Well they wrote it wrong" she argued back.

"Okay-" he sighed, giving up.

"Could you tell us what happened next?"

"He left and he didn't come back until the next morning, he smelt like liquor and sex so I assumed he had done something with Alaesha but when I confronted him about he just started to punch me over and over again" she spoke "crying" again.

Alaesha wanted to just walk up there and snatch off of the stand by her ponytail but she knew she couldn't.

The judge nodded and ordered Briana to go back to her seat while she went in the back and talked to the jury.

She went to the front and ordered Jahseh and Briana's lawyer to stand in front of her while they discussed the final steps before they could end the case.

"Ms. Thomas and Ms. Garcia you while both need to take a tape kit along with a DNA test that Mr. Onfroy will have to participate in as well."

Jahseh nodded with a smile, knowing the he had never stuck any of him inside of Briana that night, he had only used his tongue and as for her part of the story about Alaesha it would be proven false.



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