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I hoped in the car by myself

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I hoped in the car by myself. I asked Stokes if it was okay if I just went to pick up since he said he was tired but still wanted to do it, I decided to just let him sleep so I can spend time with Jahseh.

I arrived to the courthouse and waited for them to let Jahseh out, smiling really hard when they did and he was in my eyesight.

I stood up and waited for him to walk outside with me which he did once they handed him all his stuff.

"I missed you so much" I smiled, hugging him tightly making him smile this time.

"I missed you too big head" he spoke, putting his big hand on my head and forcing it to bobble.

"Stop" I laughed, moving his hand.

We got in the car and I started it before turning to him and staring at him for awhile before knocking myself out of how beautiful he was.

"You hungry?" I asked him as I begin to pull out of the parking lot making him look at me with a "really" face.

I giggled and shook my head, facing the road "where do you want to eat?" I asked him as I continued down the road.

I seen that he shrugged from the corner of my eye making me shrug too and turn down the next street pulling into the first restaurant I seen which was cookout.

I got in the drive thru line and waited, feeling Jahseh staring at me.

"What?" I giggled looking over at him.

He shook his head with a smirk "I just wanted to say thank you for not letting your issues get ahead of you and letting me get locked up for who knows how long" he smiled at me.

I shrugged "I'd do anything for you Jah, I mean it wouldn't be right for me not to you e always been there for me" I spoke, moving up in line.

He nodded and looked out the window.

"Oh and Stokeley wanted me to tell you that your song "Look At Me" has gotten really big while you've been in there" I spoke making him look at me in shock.

"How many plays?" He asked as I shrugged.

"He just told me to tell you that I guess you'll find out all that other stuff once we get to the house" I smiled at his cheesing face.

"I hope it's a lot and I'm not just sitting over here excited for no reason."



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