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(2 months later)

Jahseh watched as his phone rang again. It was Alaesha and she needed him because she was stuck again, stuck in her thoughts and she didn't want to do it anymore. But he was with his new girlfriend; Briana and she didn't like when he talked to other girls in front of her.

Jahseh felt like he was in love with Briana so he would never go against her on top of that he was tired of just being there whenever Alaesha "needed" him but he knew without him Alaesha just might do whatever was on her mind at the moment.

"Just answer maybe the bitch really needs you" Briana rolled her eyes, walking out of the room to go fix her some food.

After she left he answered the phone call.

"Hello" he answered, hearing her muffled cries.

"Can you come over here? I'm scared" Alaesha admitted.

She recently had a therapy session that assigned her to go to her mothers grave and say how she really felt after the assignment she walked home where I man tired to grab her making her flashbacks and bad emotions come back.

"I can't come over right now but what's wrong?" He asked, trying to get the conversation over with before Briana came back.

"I can't sleep and I know you have a girlfriend but please Jahseh I just need someone to hold me and you're the only one that helps-" he cut her off before she started to talk too long.

"I'll be there later just watch tv and eat something until I come" he responded, giving into her like he always does.

"You promise?" she added on, not trusting his word because of how little he has showed care for her since Briana has been around.

"I promise" he smiled before hanging up.

Alaesha did what Jahseh told her to while she waited on him, she knew she wouldn't fall to sleep because her dreams are way worse then they were before they put her on her medication.

Before she was on her medication she would just remember them but now when she gets the dreams she can feel it and it's like she's just trapped inside of them with no way out.

She would much rather the old way she had her dreams.

Jahseh on the other hand had finally got Briana to shut up and now he had to take a shower before he made his way to Alaesha.

When he finally got to her he knocked on the door, not getting a reply soon enough he walked to her window to see her still crying on her bed.

Watching tv and eating a snack didn't last long for her.

He decided to just climb in her window making her quickly sit up at the sounds of her window opening.

When she saw that it was Jahseh she wiped her eyes and watched him finish.

When he finally made it through the window she jumped in his arms, hugging him tightly while she cried.

"Shh I got you, where's everyone?" He spoke lowly to her.

"Renae is at work and so is my aunt" she spoke.

"Okay" he said kicking off his shoes.

He laid down in the bed with her still wrapped in his arms making her calm down a little.

"Shh it's okay, everything is okay" he assured her, rubbing her back in a circle.



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