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"Please stop" I cried to the man in my sleep.

My dreams are back, they've been back since the week I left Jahseh, my medicine isn't for the dreams to fade only he helps that but I don't look at him in that way anymore, I can't.

That's why I feel like it's better for use to just be friends, after what I seen that day there's no way I could erase it and just go back to normal but I needed him, just too afraid to admit.

Someone repeatedly shook me making me wake up from the dream, sweaty and hurt all over again.

"It's time to get up, the social worker is coming" my aunt told me.

I nodded and waited for her to leave the room before I got out of my bed, seeing I had early morning text from Jah, how he got my new number? I still don't know but whatever.

Jah 💔

Have a good day and don't let the social worker get to you 💕
Read 9:45 am

And don't forget to take your medicine
Read 9:45 am

I sighed and walked in my bathroom, skipping over my medicine because Jah told me to take it and my dreams are making me feel like fuck him.

Fuck him because it's his fault I won't let him hold me anymore, because he cheated on me with some ugly broad and I gave him everything I had left of me.

I'm not going to let it go, ever, no matter how real this "friendship" gets I'll never forgive him for how broken my heart has been since that day.

I hoped in my shower and afterwards did the rest of my hygiene before getting dressed in a pink sweatsuit and leaving my curl's hanging, still not taking my medicine yet.

I walked into the living room, hearing my aunt already talking to the female social worker.

"Oh there she is" my ain't spoke, surprised my sudden appearance.

"Hi" I spoke lowly to the social worker.

"Hello Alaesha, I'm Mrs. Handwrite and I'll be your new social worker."

I nodded at the middle aged woman and walked away from them, going in the kitchen to get me something to eat.

Once I got back into the living room with my bowl of cereal I sat down and let the lady begin to talk to me.

"Have you taken your medication yet?" She asked.

I nodded my head and continued to eat my cereal.

"Well do you like it here, in Broward?" She asked another question, smiling at me.

I shrugged and covered my mouth so she didn't see food falling out "I guess, I don't do much here anyways."



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