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I called Jahseh for the millionth time tonight, still getting no answer I sighed and laid down in my bed, wrapping his jacket around me hoping that it would help

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I called Jahseh for the millionth time tonight, still getting no answer I sighed and laid down in my bed, wrapping his jacket around me hoping that it would help.

As soon as I laid down my phone rung and I quickly picked it up seeing Jahseh's contact.

"Wassup Lae" ski spoke making me scrunch up my eyebrows.

"Where's Jah?" I asked.

"He's in jail" he told me with a sigh.

"Why?" I asked now beginning to worry.

"Briana stupid ass lied and said that he beat her ass."

I huffed now feeling like beating her ass.

"We need you to testify when he goes to court though, we've already told them your name" he told me making me sigh because I did not want to do this.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because y'all used to date and even though he did do something fucked up to you I know he didn't hit you just like he didn't hit her."

I nodded even though he couldn't see "I'll do it."

"Okay well I'll call you and update you on stuff" he told me letting me know he was about to hang up.


I laid back down and got back in his jacket officially knowing that he wasn't coming and it wasn't even his fault.

I wonder what possessed her to lie on his like that. Does she know that he could get years on top years for that. He already has cases pending.

This is why I never liked this bitch.


"So why's you hit her?" The police officer asked me

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"So why's you hit her?" The police officer asked me.

"I didn't" I admitted.

"Alright then, tell me what happened" he spoke, sitting in the chair in front of me.

I wasn't really sure if I wanted to include Alaesha in the story or get Briana in trouble but I just shrugged it off and told the truth from when Alaesha called me.

"My ex girlfriend called me at like 11:30 to come over so she would feel safe-"

"And you left?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah but only because Briana said she wouldn't care if I did and she really needed me."

"What's your ex girlfriends name?" He asked making me sigh.

I don't if Alaesha would be comfortable with this but I need her right now.

"Alaesha Garcia" I told him, letting him write it down.

"And what happened after that?" He asked, wanting me to continue my story.

"I went to her house so she could go to sleep but I accidentally stayed too long because I feel asleep and then I rushed room. I got home before Briana which was weird because she hadn't left or said she was leaving and then she cane in smelling like alcohol and sex-" he cut me off again.

"So then you hit her?" He asked looking up at me.

"No I just told her to leave" I spoke honestly.

He chuckled and shook his head "Alright so this is how it's going to work Mr. Onfroy, you're going to tell me the truth or I'll beat it out of you."



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