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We pulled up to the house. I was still nervous but I took my medicine so I was better.

"Jahseh don't you think it's a bit early for this?, We haven't been dating for that long you know" I sighed.

"Yeah but I love you and you know that, so that means you need to meet my mother before I do anything stupid" he smiled at me.

I looked over at him while my face flushed read.

He got out of the car and then came and got me out of my seat. He held my hand as he walked to the house.

He knocked on the door and we heard a little boy "Who is it?" His little voice rung from behind the door.

"It's Jahseh" Jah smiled waiting for the door to open.

The little boy quickly unlocked the door and jumped into Jahseh's arms.

"I missed you" he said hugging him tighter.

"I missed you too" Jah smiled sitting the boy down.

"Who is this?" He asked walking to me.

"I'm Alaesha" I told him with a smile.

"Are you Jah's girlfriend?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, and you can't have her" Jahseh joked making me chuckle a little.

The boy ran into the house as me and Jah followed, slowly.

"Mommy Jahseh is here and he brung a girlfriend!" He yelled running up the stairs.

"Jah I'm scared" I told him, hooking on to his arm.

"If Aiden liked you then she'll like you too."

I nodded and looked as a short brown skin woman made her way down the stairs.

She walked up to me with a smile, showing her white teeth.

"Hi sweetie, you must be Jah's girlfriend" she spoke pulling me into a hug.

I nodded and smiled back.

"Ma this is Alaesha and Alaesha this is my mother Cleo" he introduced us.

I already knew her name though because it was across his chest.

"Alaesha, where'd your parents get that name?" She asked with a disarming smile.

I shrugged, smiling back.

"Let's go sit and talk" she offered.

Jahseh grabbed my hand and lead us into the living room while Cleo followed.

We sat down and were having a normal conversation before Aiden yelled for Jahseh, leaving me and Cleo alone.

"Well since he's gone, let's get these questions out of the way" she told me making me tense up.

"What are your intentions with my son?" She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged "I just want him to love me while I love him."

"How many ex's arms do you have?"

"None" I answered quickly.

"How many men have you let fuck you?"

I took a deep breath, not trying to let my past grab me at this moment.

I shook my head "just Jahseh."

"Who do you live with?"

"My aunt and my cousin" I answered.

She smiled at me "I like you."

I smiled back "thank you."





The Girl With The Broken Heart (completed)Where stories live. Discover now