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I gripped her hair tightly and slapped her butt again, putting another red hand print on her

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I gripped her hair tightly and slapped her butt again, putting another red hand print on her.

"Daddy!" She screamed as she creamed and fell.

"Get up" I told her slapping her butt again.

She listened and got back in the position. I went back in, using her hips to keep my balance.

She moaned and arched her back more to where only her butt was in air. I speed up so I could just hurry up and bust because I was really tired of her being here.

"Fuck daddy slow down!" She moaned, trying to push me back but I moved her hand.

I kept going at that pace until I busted in the condom and pulled out of her. I took the condom off and tied it up before throwing it away in my trash can.

"Okay you can go now" I told Emily, throwing on a pair of basketball shorts so I wouldn't be naked if I had to take her out myself.

"Can I just stay here a little longer?" She asked, rolling over and giving me pleading eyes.

I looked at her blankly "no, I'm not in the mood and I got places to go just get out."

She sucked her teeth and sat up, beginning to put on her clothes. I don't know what she's mad for she already knew I only wanted thing for her.

I never led her to think we were going to have a relationship so I don't know why she acts like this.

"You not shit Jahseh" she spoke, putting her shoes on.

"And you're just a ho Emily now get the fuck out" I smiled at her.

She grabbed her phone and hugged leaving my room and stomping downstairs until she left out the front door.

I sighed and closed my door before locking it and then turning around and taking off my bedsheets and shorts so I could wash them together and then I hopped in the shower.

I washed four times and got out, putting Vaseline to moisturize my body before going in my room and butting boxers and my black jeans and my white and gray shirt.

I grabbed my covers and my shorts before going downstairs into the kitchen and opening the door that had the washer and dryer in it before putting them in the washer so they could be clean.

I went back upstairs and put on my socks before putting on my black air forces before grabbing my phone and leaving out of my room, making sure to close the door behind me.

I left the house and got in my car so I could go to the studio but before I made it out of the garage the police pulled up behind my car, forcing me out.

"You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law" they told me while putting the handcuffs on me making me roll my eyes.

"I didn't even do anything" I argued.

"So hitting your girlfriend is nothing to you?!" The officer yelled at me before forcing me into the back of the car.



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