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Alaesha woke up out of her dream in a deep sweat, noticing that Jahseh's jacket had fallen off of her and was on the floor.

She wiped her tears as she picked it up off of the ground and hugged it. She wanted Jahseh to be with her so bad right now. She missed him holding her after so vividly remembered things like that.

She wanted to hurt Briana badly for taking away the only thing that kept her sane in this world. She admits that Jahseh is violent but not violent enough to hurt someone he was dating or loves.

She could tell he loved Briana because he often wouldn't leave her side no matter what.

She sighed deeply and got on her phone seeing it was eight in the morning right before her aunt knocked on her door.

"Lae there is a lawyer on the phone for you" she told her, popping her head into her room.

Alaesha nodded and got up to get the phone. She already know they were going to call her aunt because she is a minor and they'd have to speak to her guardian before speaking to her.

She answered the phone and answered the lawyers questions, finding out Jahseh's trail was January 24th which wasn't that far away but she felt bad because that was the day after his birthday meaning he'll have to spend his birthday in a cell.

That is the last thing she wanted for him. She didn't want him to be less content with life and sad but she knew he was, she could feel it in her heart.

She got up and got in the shower. As she washed she looked at her healing cuts and smiled. It was Jahseh who got her to stop harming herself and to just let it out, either to her notes or to him.

But once she started to thinking back she thought she was too needy then, that's why Jahseh wanted a girl like Briana who wasn't as ruined as Alaesha the only thing that was better about Alaesha was how much she cared about Jahseh.

Well at least that's what she thought but in reality anyone from the outside looking could see that Alaesha was so much better than Briana for the simple fact of Briana's disrespect and the fact that she was way too friendly to too many guys.

But Jahseh looked past all of that and found himself loving someone who would betray him for the simple fact of her doing something wrong.



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