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"Alaesha let go!" Ski yelled as he tried pulling me off of Jahseh.

I kept my grip. I don't plan on letting go until I've got it all out.

Trunks helped pry my nails out of Jah's arms. When they finally got me off Jah stood up and Stoke let me go.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, throwing it across the room at Jah.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled backing up.

I picked up another one, about to launch it before Stoke pried it out of my hand.

"Calm down, just go get some stuff so I can take you to your aunt's house before you do anything you'll regret."

"I'm not going to regret it, I want him dead" I spoke seriously making him shake his head.

"So you want to do jail time? You know they don't always give you your medicine so you'll start going crazy and then they'll send you to a facility."

I sighed and walked past him, going in living room where Trunks and Jah were talking.

"Excuse me, my keys" I said softly.

"Alaesha I'm sor-" I cut him off.

"Can you just get up so I can get my keys?" I spoke patiently.

"Come talk to me" he said standing up and grabbing my wrist making me punch him.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

I pushed past him and got my keys that was sitting behind him on the couch only to be pushed back and roughly grabbed.

He slung me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs to his room.

"What do you want from me? I just want to go home now."

"I'm not perfect Lae, it was a mistake, she caught me slipping" he badly explained.

I rolled my eyes and huffed "get the fuck out of my face, it's people like you that made me not want to get in a fucking relationship and to think the first relationship I had was with you and you do bullshit too."

"I can't believe I was so stupid, I let you see my body and you just go fuck other people after knowing everything that I've been through, I seen the signs though but kept it planted in my head that you would never do anything like that to me just for you to really do it" I chuckled and shook my head as tears went down my face.

"It doesn't matter now though if you want to go around and fuck people then you can do that, just know that you've created a monster."

I pushed past him and left out of his room seeing Stokes standing there.

"What?" I asked wiping my tears.

He shook his head "nothing I'm just proud of the way you handled that, you ready to go?"

I nodded and followed him out the house. The whole car ride I was quiet and Ski didn't attempt to make conversation which was good for me.

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow to get your stuff, if that's what you want to do" he told me as we pulled up to my aunt's house.

I nodded "yeah, just text me when you're on your way."

He nodded and handed me his phone for me to put my number in.

"Thank you" I smiled out him, getting out the car after putting my number in his phone and giving it back to him.

"You're welcome, stay safe."

I nodded and walked to the door, unlocking it and going inside.

I drug myself to my room and closed my door, sitting down on the bed and beginning to cry my eyes out.

I trusted him and I'm so attached I don't know how I'm going to get over him, I don't even want to get over him I just don't want to be around him right bow or ever, I don't know.




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