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It was now Jahseh's turn to go on the stand so Alaesha sat down next to Stokeley, behind Jahseh's lawyer.

"Mr.Onfroy you helped Ms.Garcia before she was prescribed her medication correct?" Briana's lawyer asked Jahseh.

He nodded and kept his sane nonchalant face.

"Did you feel like it was a one sided relationship?"

Jahseh nodded, not making Alaesha feel anytime of way because she had just learned how to start helping him while she helped herself.

"I didn't mind it being one sided though since she was in so much pain, I just wanted to be there for her."

"Okay so when you and Ms.Thomas were dating did you feel like it was one sided?" She asked.

He shook his head "not at first but looking back there were certain things that she would hate for me to do that she did."

"And what were these things?" She asked, standing in front of Jahseh.

"Being on the phone with different girls, going out without her, cheating."

"So you're saying my client cheated on you so you hit her?" She asked with a smirk.

"I didn't hit her I kicked her out, she smelt like dick and alcohol" Jahseh spoke, beginning to get mad.

Alaesha eyes had now stopped staring at her lap and went up to Jahseh, catching his eye. He looked at her and seen her pleading eyes making him quickly calm down.

"If Alaesha and Briana were both stuck in a predicament that a man was trying to hurt them, who would you save?" She asked making Jahseh think a little.

"I would save Alaesha and call the cops to save Briana" he answered.

"And why would you save Alaesha?" She asked with a smirk.

"Because as far as I know Alaesha has been through way more than Briana, she doesn't need cops coming to ask her questions and trying to "help" her while she's broken but if I'm wrong about my decision that means me and Briana's whole relationship was built on lies."

She nodded at him and when back to her seat, watching his lawyer walk over to him.

"Did you love Briana?" He asked as he walked up.

Jahseh nodded "I still love her even though she's putting me through all of this for nothing."

"What do you mean by that?" His lawyer asked.

"Briana knows I would never hurt her, I did everything she asked me to, I even stopped talking to Alaesha like she asked."

"So how'd you end up at Ms.Garcia's house if you stopped talking to her?"

"Because Alaesha kept blowing up my phone like it was an emergency so she told me to answer it."

"Okay but she just told you to answer it, she didn't say it was okay to leave."

"She told me she didn't care as long as she could have sex with me before I went."

"Consonantal sex?" The lawyer asked.

Jahseh nodded.



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