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I laid still on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, why am i ever still alive? All of those attempts amd still nothing. Do I even have a purpose in this life? Because so far I ain't found it.

I don't know I'm always over thinking shit.

Two knocks at the door made me look towards it.

"Come in" I shouted towards the door.

Renae peeked her head in "hey cousin" she cheered, coming and sitting beside me.

I did a sly wave.

"Okay so I need a favor" she told me.

I looked over at her, waiting for her to tell me the favor she needed.

"Okay so as of right now my room is being re-painted and my friends want to come over but they can't go in my mom's room and we kind of want privacy, you know since my mons room is right next to the living room, so can we come in here?"

I shrugged.

"Okay, thank you, I promise you they won't bother you" she cheered going into the living room.

I didn't care there are two parts of this room anyway, the part to sleep in and the part to chill in. So they can all just go in there.

When I saw two guys shuffling back here I just shrugged and put my head phones in. She made it seem like she had a dozen cheerleaders, in the living room waiting.

They sat in there watching TV I guess, I got comfortable under the covers and begin to doze off until somebody tapped me.

I looked up seeing one of the boys, he was short with a nice skin complexion and two different colored locs.

I sat up and raised a eyebrow at him, taking my headphones out, signaling him to talk.

"They started making out and he's my ride home, can I sit down in here?" He asked me.

I scrunched up my face and then nodded before laying down and putting my headphones back in.


I looked around the room seeing that there were no chairs so I sat on her bed, getting on my phone

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I looked around the room seeing that there were no chairs so I sat on her bed, getting on my phone.

I made sure my body wasn't that close to her's but for some reason she still jumped a little when I sat down.

I shrugged it off and continued to scroll.

Ski finally came out, fixing his clothes and wiping his mouth, I chuckled and shook my head at him.

"Shut up nigga, you ready to go?"

I nodded and got off of the girls bed, putting my phone in my back pocket.

"Thank you for letting me sit in here" I told her about to walk out before she put a thumbs up.

Who is that girl?




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