Chapter 1

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Riley's POV ;

Finally finished packing up heading along with Renee to Miami my absolute favorite. I grabbed my suitcase and headed for the door seeing Renee coming up to me.

"Hey give me 10 minutes I have to do this quick interview with The Authority and we'll head out" she said in a rush

"Yeah no worries" I smiled.

She ran back and I decided to head to the cafeteria see what's there to eat , nothing look/ too good so I just grabbed a banana I looked up on the screen to see Renee only interviewing Seth & Nikki oh boy, she was something else and so was he they were both champions and heels and they played it off good on screen and off screen too, there's rumors about her and the big man of the company Cena having a fling while she's also having a fling with Seth too? I can't really say anything but her being a champion was all cause of Cena but I don't know oh well. I just know Hunter called me in recently telling me he's involving me in something but hasn't finalized the decisions or whatever but letting me know I'm going to get an email from Steph possibly the next few days.

"Okay I'm ready" Renee said while spooking up on me.

"Wow you scared me there" I chuckled. I glance to where she came from to having eye contact with Seth he stared and I just looked away as quickly possible.

"That was weird" I mumbled

"What was?"

"Oh nothing" I smiled. I shrugged it off he had this intimidated look that was strangely weird but kind of attractive but I gotta remember hes a coworker of mine and personally I don't like to mix my personal life with my job especially when I'm in the WWE like what if I break up with them but constantly see them from time to time that shit just gets awkward as fuck.

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