Chapter 17

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Seth's POV

Rylie & I ended our talk and talking with her was everything. She's really really passionate about wrestling and everything. Wanting to perfect her in ring skills & her promos I wanted to tell her she's more than perfect but that would just throw off everything . We both went back to our rooms realizing we've been talking for 3 hours. It was currently 10am nothing to do but to think about her , I was interrupted by a call ,


"Hello?" I said wondering who the hell called me

"Hey Seth it's Nikki" she giggled

"Nikki? How'd you get my number from an unknown call?" I asked I thought I blocked her weeks ago.

"Doesn't matter just I need your help here please?" She asked knowing well she doesn't need help with anything but one thing only

"Look Nikki I'm busy right now I can't help you to whatever you need" I said

"Busy? At 10am? Busy with what" she said irritatingly

"Busy with Rylie" I said knowing it'll piss her off

"Rylie? The hell Seth why are you with Rylie?" She asked angrily god it's so funny

"None of your business Nikki, and if don't mind I have to get back with her now goodbye and don't call again" I hung up knowing she's probably screaming in anger right now. I chuckled

"God what was I doing with her months ago" I whispered to myself remembering the time Nikki & I first started talking, it was a few weeks after I turned heel and joined the Authority and so did she, that's when we both started talking she seemed so angelic we'd hang out a lot backstage and ride together I wanted more believe it or not it's been a few months maybe 2 or 3 of getting to know each other but Nikki apparently only wanted one thing, everytime we'd have a day off I wanted to go out but she insisted to stay in the hotel room instead and that's when I figured out she didn't want anyone to know we were talk or anything I was a bit hurt I'd wanted more than just us being "friends" or whatever we were back then but instead I just left her to herself and focused on my career but lately she hasn't gotten anything from John and keeps bugging me about whatever she wants or needs and I know I don't want to go back to what we were back then, now I know who I want to be with & I'm hoping if Rylie feels the same everything can work out good.

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