Chapter 24

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Seth's POV

It's been a 2 weeks since the whole incident between Rylie & I and I couldn't stop thinking about it and her, a week from now is SummerSlam and tomorrow on Raw Stephanie is going to announce myself as the special guest referee which is going to be a bit awkward but I won't be screwing it up for The Authority. I got interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Hey Seth haven't heard from you since our live event the past Wednesday what's wrong?" Cesaro always had the comfort in him that he always knew something was wrong.

"Come in first" I made my way to the couch and him just standing in front of me crossing his arm looks to be giving me an intervention.

"Look man I know I've been a bit distant but it's that"

"It's that what Seth look I know this whole Rylie incident isn't easy but did you at least tried to give her a chance to explain herself? " he said a bit angrily

"No not really I left her before she could probably even say anything and I know that was a dick move but I was angry at the moment" I covered my face with both my palms realizing I didn't give her a chance to explain, I just stormed off.

"See that's the problem you just blew off before she could talk how do you think that made her feel? Don't make her seem like she's the bad guy did she even a explained a bit about this?" He asked

"Well she did mentioned her ex Matt for being a shitty boyfriend " recalling what she said about Matt

"See now that's the problem maybe the back story is that Matt treated her horribly and it took a toll on her to be secured and close to her and herself only" Cesaro was right he did had a point god I'm so stupid.

"you know man you're right but the problem is would she be willing to talk to me or accept my apology ?" I asked hoping Cesaro would give me a yes

"I don't know but all I know is that she along with every other WWE wrestler is staying in this hotel and lucky for you being the good friend I am I texted Bayley asking her if she knew her room number and she does"

"Well tell me what number it is" I asked hesitantly but he had a little something on his face first

"I will but you have to hear her out if she says no still even after explaining everything accept it no matter what and if she says yes then treat her good man" under his conditions I'm fine with it

"I promise I'll do the good with whatever outcome it is" and I'm hoping it is.

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