Chapter 47

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Seth's POV

I left her apartment, I didn't know if I wanted to go back and just hear her out call me names whatever I just want her to know that I'm sorry, just before pressing the elevator button it was already opening .

Jay white

"The hell are you doing here " he said

"Just to see my girl" I said laughing

"My girl? Funny last time I checked we sleep together not you & her " he laughs

"Not for long till she realizes what she really wants then we'll see" I said

"Listen Seth I don't know much about you not really interested but I sure as hell know what you did to Rylie and listen clearly you'll never have her back because unlike you I know how to treat a women properly and sure as hell know to how love her right because everyone knows how short your love is, now excuse me and get the hell out of my way I got someone waiting for me and my big friend as well" he laughed bumping into my shoulders , I bumped right back

"Hey you want some Mr Best Wrestler In The World, nobody here certainly don't gives a shit if you work for WWE or any other big leagues down here we like to do it hard and rough " he chuckled "just ask Rylie she knows what I'm talking about " he laughed left to his room

I just stood there like an idiot and decided to leave back to my hotel room.

Rylie's POV

Fuck how did he even knew I live here? And where's Jay too!

"Hey babe are you alright?" Jay asked. Before I could answer I just hugged him tight.

"Hey it'd okay it's okay" he said , seeing Seth did just mess me up a bit, I know I love Jay and he knows it too I just hope it stays like this forever .

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