Chapter 4

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Seth's POV

Stephanie called me into her office telling me she's going to a have angle involving myself Nikki and Rylie the same girl I glanced with, not too long ago I left her office well I'm kinda into this idea to be honest doesn't seem bad, I'm not even sure if Nikki knows but Stephanie also did say it involves me and the Women's Championship belt so it looks like her reign is going to an end. Ha!

"Hey Seth"oh boy I sure did not want to be talking to her figuring she doesn't know the news yet.

"Hi Nicole" I sighed

"So are you busy afterwards? I was thinking maybe we can eat out or something " she smiled devilishly

"Um sorry can't I'm riding with Dean today figuring you have you're ride back John? Right?"

"Yeah I do but just because I have rides with him it doesn't mean anything" she smiled

"Look Nicole you're cool and all but I'm not digging like that anymore I'm trying to focus on other things, more important things okay? Look maybe you should head to Steph's office she wanted me to notice you before the show okay?" With that I left to the cafeteria I'm starving.

Rylie's POV

I knocked on Steph's office

"Come in" she said. I greeted steph.

"So you wanted to talked to me today? Before the show" I said nervously trying to calm down

"Yes Rylie I did, and well I've seen your work here and in NXT and of course I wanted to expand that work here with the WWE Universe so how would you like to be involved in angle with the architect himself Seth Rollins!"

Seth Rollins? Is she serious right now?

"Not only that but you're also involved in the Women's Championship title picture!"

Now that's what I wanted to here

"So like a love story with him and the women's Championship?" I asked

"Yes! Basically you're getting involved with him and you're going to be feuding with Nicole having a title match and winner takes all! See what she wants more him or the belt but of course she chooses the belt and with a big twist he'll be the special guest referee!" She said excitingly.

"Well that actually sounds great" I grinned "when does this whole feud begins?"

"Tonight it's the opening segment and since we're in July close to the biggest Paper View Event of the summer you're going to have your title shot at Summerslam!" Steph said. Wow I can't believe this.

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