Chapter 30

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Seth's POV

I knew what idea to pitch in for the match this Sunday for Rylie and Nikki's but I kept it till the segment was over to tell Hunter and Steph about and they loved it and they were going to contact the person to be the special referee instead of me. I can't tell Rylie who was it going to be but I did only tell her she's going to be excited for it.

"So you can't tell me then? Like not a clue or anything?" She kept asking for the millionth time

"No cause it won't be a surprise we'll more for Nicole than for you which is good" I laughed while driving to the next the city

"Fine guess I have to wait for like 6 days"

"But don't worry it'll benefit you and that's all you have to know but anyways did you seen your dad after the segment or at all?" I asked

"Well yeah but I only had small talk it wasn't like I was going to say how are you? How's like? It was awkward but I don't want to talk about that I just wanna know how you feel about your match with John ?" Rylie asked knowing I'm not excited at all for it

"I think I complained about it so many times with you and you're still wondering how I feel?" I chuckled

"Well I know you're not excited for it but like mentally how do you feel like if you think it's going to be a 4 or 5 star match, any rare moves stuff like that cause I know Vince cut you some slack with this match and he's letting you guys go at it"

"Well I guess you can say I'm just looking forward to having a great match we have a lot of good chemistry in the ring so I know it's not going to be bad" I looked to the signs realizing we made it to New York already , it felt so quick the ride to here.

I drove to the hotel we were staying in glad we got one close to the arena . We got our bags and headed towards the entrance to check in

"Colby Lopez m'am" I told the lady at the front desk

"Here's your keys enjoy your stay" she smiled

"You got us one room?" Rylie asked with her eyebrows raised

"Well duh" I said, did she really expected me to get us separate rooms?

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