Chapter 49

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Riley's POV

I just arrived to the location near Jay's despite the bus ride being only 10 minutes it definitely felt like 10 hours. Before I left the bus I asked the bus driver if he knew where this was and he told me it was a hotel he didn't remember the name but the fact that he said it was a hotel made me reconsider if I should even bother it's crystal clear was he was doing. Despite having doubts I still went. It was only a 5 minute walk from the bus stop.

Before arriving at the hotel I wanted to call Jay and see what he was going to tell me where he is.

"hey honey" he said

"hey babe" why am I so disgusted all of a sudden " I was just wondering how long are you going to be out still? I had a notification saying the package we ordered a week ago is here how long should I tell the people up front to wait till one of us can pick it up? I'm out to the training center and I won't be home till maybe 7?" God I hope he falls for it

"I'll be home soon I'm just getting ready to the leave the bar so tell them in 15 minutes" he said.

That's all I needed to hear, I know that son of a bitch isn't a the bar

"Okay don't worry I'll tell him just take your time no need to rush" I smiled

"Thanks babe lov-" that's when I hung up, oops. Now it's time to see what's your next excuse when I see you Jay. A part of me wishes it's not true what I'm expecting the other half wishes he could just tell me the truth.

Thats all I want is the truth..

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