Chapter 25

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Rylie's POV

I haven't heard anything from Seth in weeks I don't know why I haven't done anything bad, I've come to terms that I'm not going to mix up my romance life with my work life. If Seth was going to act like as if I don't exist then I'll do the same I'll only ever have contact with him is during our segments at work and work only. Lately I've been hanging out with Paige more and she's been showing me the pros in living the single life and it's been in hell of a ride, I was quickly scared by a knock on my door hoping it was either Bayley or Paige.

"Hey you shoul-"

I was quickly frozen wishing I would've just never answered the door.

Seth's POV

Cesaro gave me Rylie's room number and it was matter of time before it was too late to talk.

I made it to the front of her door hoping she would hear me out , I gave it a knock and it seconds before she answered

"Hey you shoul-"


"Rylie, Hey" Hey? I sounded really nervous for only saying "hey"

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking a bit stunned

"I came here to talk" I said

"Talk? Don't you think it's a bit too late for you to 'talk' " she had all the right to be mad at me

"Look I don't want to talk like this could I come in please?" I asked hoping she would let me in


She sat on her bed across from me sitting on the couch.

"Look first off I'm sorry, I'm sorry for acting like a total douche for not hearing you for ignoring you and for everything single stupid stuff I did to make you hate me"

"Seth I don't hate you I don't think I ever could even if I tried"

"Seriously?" I asked shocked

"Yes seriously look I just well don't usually feel open to people but with you I'll tell you, I just don't have a personality that everyone loves or that anyone could click on hell everyone back in the women's locker room dislikes me cause of my personality I keep myself distant from anyone who thinks they're better than everyone or who thinks they're higher in society that's why I keep to myself and only have a small circle of friends and wrestling is the only thing in the world I know I'm good at not dressing up, being in movies or wearing ridiculous amount of clothes but wrestling is the only thing that I'm best at that I love to show and tell and messing that up with my personal life well it'll be screwed that's why I don't do romance with my career"

Woah she really doesn't want to mess up her career.

"But with you Seth I tell myself I won't have a relationship with anyone at work or find myself being attracted towards anyone but I'm guessing ever since our storyline and us talking for maybe once or twice a week makes me think differently I know I haven't told you my story with Matt yet but he's a total piece of shit and that's all I could describe our relationship and it made me feel trapped but it's like you're so different and I'm sorry I haven't given you or this a chance at all"

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