Chapter 19

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Rylie's POV

Once I put all my stuff away I had to get dressed before the show started even if I had less than 3 hours before the show airs I guess you can say it was a mandatory to get ready, I didn't had a match tonight which sucked but I am going to be in the opening segment tonight and ringside to watch Nikki's match so I'm guessing it's not at all bad.

Once I had changed into my dress and went ahead to get my make up done I went around looking for Cesaro seeing what's up with this crush Seth supposedly has on me. I looked around catering nothing till I saw him close to the guys locker room walking towards my way


"Oh hey Rylie what's up" he asked

"Oh can we like talk private please?" I asked leading him into this hallway not too far from the locker room

"so what's up?"

"I'm just gonna cut right through the chase what's up with Seth? I know you & Bayley had some conversation earlier today & I'm not mad or anything just want to know what's like going on" I said crossing my arms wanting to see what Cesaro was going to say.

"Well it's not my place to explain Seth's 'feelings' " I cut him off there

"Feelings? Seth feelings towards what?" I asked

"Feelings towards you Rylie ever since you were apart of the Authority storyline he's been intrigued by you, don't you ever notice? " he asked am I really that oblivious?

"Well no I haven't notice but you can't say for fact he's 'intrigued' by me or whatever isn't he just really friendly to people"

"Really friendly towards you, Look Rylie I cant explain Seth myself why don't you ask him yourself I know you're in the opening segment with him and the Authority later so afterwards try to talk to him but heads up I think he might go to you first Rylie and all seriousness as a close friend of his he's never been this attracted to anyone else like this before he's a good guy trust me" with that Cesaro patted my arm walking away.

I don't know if I fully feel the same or am I just hiding my feelings from him but for fact I'm scared to show affection to anyone I know Matt & I ended on good terms but throughout our relationship he hurt me so many times and it's been like I was his punching bag and it tore me down as a women as a human and letting someone in is the hardest thing I can do right now.

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