Chapter 34

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Seth's POV

I finished taking a good shower and was getting ready to call Rylie, just before I was about to grab my phone I was interrupted by a knock. I tied my towel around my waist and seeing who it was.

"I was wai- Nicole? What the hell are you doing here?" Disgusted by her presence

"What's with the face? Expecting someone else?" She said with a smirk

"Yeah I was expecting someone else who doesn't just shows up like a stalker expecting to get into someone pants, right? "

She pushed me aside and I didn't want to touch her a bit knowing her she would scream if I even put a pinky on her. I quickly went to the to the bathroom grabbing whatever I left to put on.

"Wow Seth you've been doing a lot of squats haven't you?" Nicole smirked

"Could you be anymore disgusting?" I said passing by her to open the door and kick her ass out "now here's the door you can easily show yourself out" I smiled

"Look Seth I just came to see if Rylie was here yknow to give her my condolences before hand" she said knowing damn well she didn't came to see Rylie but to bother her

"Condolences for what?" I asked

"Oh for the embarrassment she's going to bring upon herself tonight when you know she loses" she laughs, I had it with her I grabbed her by the arm and headed towards the door

"Nicole stop embarrassing yourself and just leave already aren't you tired of being the literal whore of the wwe universe?" Before I could slam the door on her she quickly wrapped her hands behind my neck and slobbered all over my face I pushed her off quickly

"What the fuck is wrong with you Seth I just came to see Rylie before our match and you just throw yourself on me like that?" Nicole yelled staring to another direction, the direction Rylie was standing at.

"Rylie" I gasped

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