Chapter 9

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Seth's POV

I tried to find her seeing her going to the exit, why was she leaving early?

"Rylie!" I yelled. She slowly turned around looking a bit sad

"Hey, what's the rush?" I asked

"Um I'm really tired and yeah" she said with a neutral face.

"Oh well I'm off early too, I just wanted to talk to you about how great your segment was today" I smiled

"Thanks Seth really means a lot" she said half smiling.There was a short period of us saying nothing till I broke the silence.

"Do you need help with your bags?" I asked

"No I'm fine I didn't pack much today" she sighed.

"Well alright see you next week?"

"I guess yeah" she waved and left. I noticed out there in the ring she's a completely different person. Someone who's dedicated to being here and in the back behind the curtains she's quiet & she keeps to herself which is really rare for someone to be like that.

Rylie's POV

After saying goodbye to Seth I headed straight to my car heading to the hotel.

Once I made it I went to my room I was really tired and Renee texted me she's going to be there not too long. I laid flat on my back on the bed thinking how time flies by felt like yesterday I was in a small venue fighting in front of the most 20 people , people wearing Daniel Bryan's infamous "Yes!" Shirts to "fight Owens fight" , and in a couple of weeks I'm going to have my biggest fight in my career for something I fought for whether it was dropping out of college to sleeping in the back of my car all of it was worth it. Not a single change I would do. I was slowly drifting to sleep once my eyes were pitched black.

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