Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Rylie's POV

Matt & I said our goodbyes well one last thing to worry about, I was startled by a knock on the door

" Bayley?" I asked, surprised she's here

"Hey Rylie wanna go workout with me a bit? I'm having trouble of sleeping and I have nothing better to do" she asked smiling , I love her smile so much.

"Um yeah sure I'm having a bit trouble too let me get ready come in" I invited her in my room getting my clothes and changing.

We made it down to the gym I examined it a bit only seeing two guys's back, one turning around to be Cesaro, the other guy turned his back to only be Seth...

Seth's POV

I couldn't sleep at all and I texted Cesaro if he wanted to hit the gym for a while and of course he said yes , I met him down at the gym to have a little stretch and talk

"So what's up how's the new role going so far?" He asked, truthfully it's going good and things are going to get better tomorrow night

"Pretty good you know being in the Authority is fun playing the bad guy and all then you know the feud between Rylie and Nikki it's funny Rylie could do better in my opinion " I said and honestly she could she's great with the mic, the crowd and her in ring skills .

"I bet Rylie could do better now if you know what I mean" he winked

"Nah Cesaro she has a boyfriend I can't" unfortunately i can't

"You're meaning her ex boyfriend now" he said and in me exploded fireworks ex?

"Ex? Wait what do you mean ex? Ex as Matt?" I asked

"Yeah he put out a statement online on his story saying he'll still love her and all, now is your chance sethy" he winked and nudging my arm. I shook off his arm away, can't believe they broke up I wonder if she's okay , I quickly heard the door open seeing Bayley and Rylie ...

{ AN ; thank you guys for the vote and reads!! Really appreciate it :) going to upload at least twice a week ! }

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