Chapter 3

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Riley's POV

We made it to Miami and settled it a hotel close to the arena. The view of the room was really really nice.

"Hey I'm gonna take a shower" Renee yelled from the bathroom

"Alright". I placed my stuff on the floor heading to the balcony admiring the view, gosh I miss the Florida weather besides the humidity and rain the sun was definitely the best. I sat on the chair resting a bit checking up on my phone, I got an email from Stephanie, reading it she wants to see me today before the show starts. Mhm well this could be a career changer or career downfall oh man I hope it's nothing bad. I overheard a few days ago they're going to have a love angle with a few heels and they needed a baby face, I'm currently a baby face but I don't even know if I'm like fit to do a part of a "love angle" I never intended to do an angle like that coming to the main roster but maybe it's something different hopefully.

Hours passed and it's 6:30pm Renee and I headed out earlier since I told her what happened with Stephanie. We made it to the arena Renee calmed me down on the way here saying I possibly might have a title shot or turning heel. I mean those 2 sound great but I hope it's nothing bad I really worked hard to get here where I'm at and not letting all that hard work go away just for me to be a jobber I take this job/career/ my life actually very seriously so I'm hoping it's nothing shitty.

"Okay I emailed her back saying I arrived and she emailed me back saying to go to her office I hope it's good" I said nervously

"Look for sure nothing is going to go wrong you're a great performer and you have skills better than anyone in that locker room I'm sure you're going to get something good" Renee told me excitingly I hope she was right. I headed towards the way her office was hoping just this once someone had faith in me.

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