Chapter 29

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Rylie's POV

I rushed out of the ring as fast as I can , I went backstage going to a corner that nobody was close to. I had so much anger and rage in me I had no idea my dad my own biological dad was going to be involved , Stephanie mentioned something but she didn't mentioned my dad, I can't go knocking down her door and scream my rage to her she'd fire me in a second and I know it's supposed to be apart of the storyline but I swear the do the most just for ratings and shit.

I heard footsteps coming close hoping it would just be a worker

"Rylie it's me don't worry"

I turned around seeing it was Seth, I ran into a a hug, nothing more but a hug is what I needed right now and forever .

"I had no idea they were going to bring your dad into this" Seth said as he was comforting me. I said nothing I didn't want to think about what just happened having my head on his chest feeling his warmth is what I needed and I didn't want it to end at all.

"I didn't either but what can I say , I can't complain to the big boss they just care for ratings and they sure as hell probably got it" I said as I was letting go of Seth.

"It's only an hour before the show ends and the authority has one more promo and we can go, wait for me and we'll head out" he smiled down on me , god sometimes I just can't accept the fact that he has feelings for me and I just push him away but I tell myself I won't push anyone else away again, especially someone like Seth.

Seth's POV

I left Rylie at the catering getting ready for the last segment with the authority before Summerslam , I went to the gorilla and was waiting for our que, then I felt a hand slither down my arm already knowing who it was

"What do you want" i said standing up

"Just wanted to say hey that's it gosh you're always grumpy when I'm around" she said with a slimy smile

"What else do you expect me to be, be all happy especially after what you did to Rylie out there?" I said furiously

"What? I was just trying to my job that's all" Nicole said with her hands up

"Whatever try to pull something that stupid again and you'll see" I said

"See what? Huh? You can't do anything " Nicole said laughing. I know I can't but I know who sure as hell would.

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