Chapter 7

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AN : ( For Rylie her gear is like Toni Storm's cause like that's a badass look 👍🏽 )

Rylie's POV

"5..4..3..2.. go!"

My music hit and I was ready to declare way for that belt.

"What the" Nicole said

The crowd cheered and it's the best feeling ever

" What the? You mean who the? Yep Nicole as you can see you did defend your title with Naomi and creds to her she's a great competitor but she's not me" I walked down the ramp " you see Nicole you always had someone to be there when the title is slowly slipping from your finger tip but then of course it comes back quickly when there's an interference so I'm here to change that" I entered the ring. " I'm here to take that belt away front your joke of a reign and honestly I think everyone here can agree it's been a joke the second it landed on your hands" the crowd agreed.

"I don't know who you think you are but you're certainly not going to walk down here and demand a title shot" she said mhm for once she said something that actually made sense.

"No Nicole this is where you're wrong, Rylie here is not demanding a match she's telling you the match that you're going to have this upcoming Summerslam! " Stephanie grinned.

"Yeah Nikki don't get it twisted, I'm here to tell you that once Summerslam comes, that title around your pretty little waist is going straight to someone who's way more deserving than a failed actor who couldn't land anything more but an reality tv show" I smiled with the cheers from the crowd.

Once I finished I left the ring walking backwards and my music hit. I made hand movements pretending there was a belt around my waist pointing to Nicole. Man this felt really good.

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