Chapter 36

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Seth's POV

It was 2 hours before the show began and Rylie and I arrived here and we both went our ways , I'm nervous but excited at the same time to defend my belt against the two biggest name is the industry, I kept walking up and down so many times before settling in the locker room to calm myself down.

"Hey man" I looked up seeing it was good ole Roman

"Hey Man what's up" I got up hugging him, man I miss hanging with Roman

"None much just settling in, how about you I uh see you're nervous as hell man" Roman chuckled

"Yeah I'm nervous as hell im gonna main event tonight and I haven't really processed anything yet " I laughed . Roman and I were catching up before he had to leave to talk to the boss.

"Man tonight's my night" I thought to myself

Rylie's POV

I finished getting my make up done just lightly I really don't want to have heavy make up on knowing I sweat a lot. I don't know if I was more nervous for myself or Seth. It's like tonight's our biggest match of our careers. My match is before Seth's which is a weird coincidence.

- 15 minutes before Rylie's match -

- 15 minutes before Rylie's match -

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( A reference of Rylie's gear )

I was pacing so much . Like as if I never wrestled before , this was more nerve racking than my first ever match what if I injure myself or my opponent , god why am I thinking this , I've faced opponents more stronger and better I've never botched before and sure as hell today won't be that day.

" Looks like someone's nervous to lose " Nikki smirked along with Brie and her ugly step sister Foxxy

" Nervous? Yeah sure I'll give you that but to lose? " I laughed " I've faced women way more better than you hell if you could tie my hands behind my back and I'd still kick ass just maybe a little longer " I looked directly at Nikki

" look I promise you once that bell rings it'll be the last time you'd enter that ring looking the same " I said staring down at Nikki ( her music hits )

" go enjoy your entrance one last time " I smiled at her

"Whatever loser" Nicole said before going out

Once she left I had a tap on my shoulder and I turned around seeing the only person that could calm me down , Seth

"You're gonna do great you're the best there is right now and no one could tell you differently " He said leaning down kissing me . My music hit. I was ready to take what is rightfully mine.

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