Chapter 16

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Rylie's POV

Seth came over and sat with me he asked how I was about my breakup with Matt a bit weird knowing he knew but it didn't bother me I told him the truth I wasn't sad or anything I was glad honestly.

"Wow you're pretty strong to be fine" he said nervously thinking I'd be the complete opposite

"Well yeah I mean I'm glad we ended and on good terms as well but what can you do life moves on" I said and it's true life goes on no matter how much you hate it or love it.

"Anyways looking forward for later?" I asked changing the subject and taking a bite out my pancake.

"Yeah I got a opening segment again with the Authority and I heard you're going to interrupt" he chuckled

"Yeah gonna cut a good one on Nikki but I'm gonna go easy knowing she's no good on the mic I'll be basically talking to a little kindergarten " we both laugh acknowledging the fact Nikki is no good on the mic.

"Yeah you're really good on the mic maybe the best out of the women's " he smiled, I blushed just a bit getting compliments on my work is everything to me.

"Thanks but not good as you, I see how you cut your promos towards Reigns or Ambrose" He smirked.

"Yeah you know transitioning from a faction with your close brothers being the best to being the most hated face in the company is hard, I mean I personally love it being the bad guy and all but I miss traveling with them we're good and all but you know gotta keep kayfabe alive " he laughed.

We both continued to talk, talk about how we both love wrestling , who were our favorites growing up, road stories, anything you can think of, talking with him is comforting I haven't had a long talk like this in a long time since well since weeks before my dad passed away, it's been a while having a deep conversation that isn't with your mom or anyone else. The feeling was nice, really nice.

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