Chapter 26

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Seth's POV

Rylie and I made up and she's giving me a chance to take her out and learn more about herself. Between us never been better and it's a matter of time before we make it official, we'll I hope so . We both had a segment later and it was a week till SummerSlam where she'll be facing Nikki and I'll be the special guest referee and I'm looking forward to it not going to lie. I was on my way back from picking up breakfast for the both of us then heading to the arena but we decided to leave for the arena a little later.

I made it up to my room where she decided to stay in and by all means it was fine by me , i entered to see her still sleeping, god she had such an angelic face , all natural was the best beauty she had, her messy hair made it even better.

"hey wake up sleeping beauty I got us breakfast" I pushed her slightly around before she woke up

"Sorry I overslept what time is it?" She asked stretching and yawning

"Around 10am you slept early last night" I laughed

"Probably the best sleep I had in a while if I'm being honest" she smiled.

"Here too having you here was the best time I had in a while" going up to her and kissing her on her cheeks making her blush noticeably

We both ate breakfast and just talked about whatever we could ever think about , our conversations are never boring let alone small.

"Did you ever thought you'd make it this far?" I asked

"Honestly no, I haven't had the best life till I started training, 6 year old me with no dad and a single mom living in her 10 year old Jeep wasn't the best, I mean my mom made sure it was a normal thing she'd say good morning or good afternoon, drive around the park , whatever she could do to make it seem as we were normal people . I didn't go to school for 7 months and had to be held back cause their were times I didn't had supplies to go to school. Sometimes I wish I could just go back and tell myself everything was going to be fine that I would get the chance to support my mom and I am without wrestling I wouldn't have a future "
She looked up at the wall laying flat on her back on the bed reminiscing her childhood deeply.

"That's amazing that wrestling saved your life , I don't think I would've survived in that condition I was fortunate to have a good living even without a dad" I smiled looking at her , I wish everyday was like this.

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