Chapter 21

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Rylie's POV

I finished my segment with Nikki earlier today but I had to go back out around 20 minutes since I'm going to be sitting in commentary with her match against Paige.

"Hey girly what's up" Paige said hugging me from the back

"Oh my god Paige it's like we barely talk now" I hugged her turning around Paige & I go way back before NXT believe it or not I was a huge fan of hers and still am

"I know going all anti social on me that's my thing" we both laughed and went to go sit at catering "so what's up how's your storyline going so far?

"Great actually I'm loving it getting a title shot this SummerSlam so nothing could get better than that" and it's true nothing could top that, I felt a tap on my shoulder turning around to see the person who I bailed on looking for denying the thoughts and feelings I know I don't have I think

"Could I talk to you please?" Seth asked, I nodded and said goodbye to Paige following Seth to a hallway

"Yes?" Trying to break the silence we had for a moment

"Rylie by now I hope you know I , I um have these thoughts, feelings even as well about you and I know I haven't known you that long but every time I see you passing in the halls even before the storyline I've felt attracted to you, your passion towards wrestling , the way you describe yourself & your ability not only in the ring but the abilities you have as a person you just blow me away you're such a beautiful person inside and out and I know you just got out of relationship that I have no business in knowing but I don't know how to describe my attraction towards you and I'm hoping that maybe you feel the same towards me?" With that I was shocked, only shocked is how I felt at the moment I've never had anyone describing me this way I felt like this was so unreal but after Matt it's hard to give attraction towards anyone it's as if Matt took the confidence I felt before and when I was with him and Seth saying these beautiful things is a trigger to me, a trigger that it could maybe be worst down the road and I'm just not it.

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