Chapter 12

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Rylie's POV

"Matt? What're you doing here" I asked questioning what the hell he's doing here.

"I came here to surprise you I came up to visit my aunt who lives near and remembered you were coming here as well" Matt said, god I hate when him or people in general show up without warning. "Well are you going to let me in?" He asked

I moved from the door making towards my bed.

"Well how are you?" He asked

I sighed, " Tired & jet lagged " and I was and also hungry but just too tired to even get up and eat.

"Well I'm hoping you're hungry" he smiled, gosh sometimes I wish we can go back to the early part of our dating those were the times I did appreciate the hell out of him, I still do but I guess people change.

"Yeah I am where do you want to go?" I asked grabbing my bag.

"My aunt's pizza place we'll have unlimited pizza".

We both arrived to his aunt's pizza place


We entered the restaurant immediately getting greeted by his aunt Linda and Uncle Marin.

"Oh my Rylie you look so gorgeous honey how are you?" Linda greeted me with a huge hug & smile.

"I'm good Linda how are you?" I smiled trying my best not to look too tired or anything.

"Oh honey I'm great it's so good seeing you & Matt still together" she smiled. Yeah it's good I guess.

" There's my little sweet girl" uncle Marin greeted me in all honesty he understands me, he's like the father I never had.

"Oh Uncle Marin it's good seeing you, I'm glad your recovery so well" I smiled while hugging him, when I found out he had a tumor in him I was devastated but fortunately he had only 2 surgeries and successfully overcame them.

We all sat down to eat pizza and talked and talked I missed talking with Linda and Marin I tried my best to talk to Matt but nothing in me had interest only a few words but nothing deep.

Matt & I left to head back to the hotel,

"So when are you leaving?" Matt asked

"Well I have a show tomorrow then I head to Arizona for 2 nights and head out again" I responded wondering why he asked.

"Well since you know Well we both know we barely see each other maybe twice every 2 weeks and it's hard for me not to see you or anything Rylie, what I'm trying to say is that" oh no I'm hoping it's not what I'm thinking it is. "Maybe we should take some time apart get stuff sorted I just took you out just to see Linda and Marin one last time if you want I know this is hard but I think it's for the best" oh thank god I though he's was going to propose.

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