Chapter 15

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Rylie's POV

( 7:45 am)

God I hate waking up early , Bayley & I decided to leave the gym a bit early got to my room around 3 and just talked for a while and we both fell asleep in my room. I look over to see Bayley looking dead asleep, we decided to leave the hotel around 2pm. I have a habit of not being able to go back to sleep so I decided to take a bath change into something comfy and go get breakfast at the diner down in the lobby.

I finished getting ready to go down the lobby , looking around the buffet area seeing what to eat, I could have ordered room service but the view of the diner here was pretty nice so I decided to eat here instead. I grabbed a few pancakes , banana whatever I got my hands on and coffee.

Scrolling through my phone seeing what Matt wrote was sweet but I'm glad that chapter is done and I'm not planning to start a new one anytime soon.

"Mind if I join you?"

I looked up seeing it was Seth.

Seth's POV

Cesaro and I finished around 4 and I only slept for maybe around 3 hours which is fine with me I can go days without sleeping it's become an habit for a while now I decided to eat down the diner heading there's a buffet. I was looking around the area spotting the first thing I saw, Rylie. I decided to go sit with her ask how she was , I didn't really get a chance to talk with her at all hoping maybe I could today, even if it was only for 5 minutes just hearing her out for whatever would be good for me. I headed towards her table

"Mind if I join you?" I asked, she looked up looking a bit hesitant.

"Uh yeah you can" she smiled a bit awkwardly .

"So how are you? I heard about you & Matt" I asked, hoping it wasn't too upfront

she sighed I hope she wasn't mad " Hey sorry I asked I-"

"Look it's fine don't worry about it, I'm good actually, it didn't affected me as much as I thought it would if I'm being honest, I thought I'd you know cry my eyes out, eat a pint of ice cream, watch some basic romance movie but I'm actually good we ended in good terms so there's nothing negative about it" she said , I was shocked usually some girls would do the exact opposite and be a little mad or sad.

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