Chapter 27

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Rylie's POV

I miss talking with Seth like this, he knows how to listen and everything. That's all I ever wanted from anybody just someone to listen and talk to. Unfortunately we had to head to the arena and end our conversation.


"I'll catch up with you or text you once I know I'm on" I smiled to Seth heading towards our respective locker rooms.

I headed to the locker room setting my stuff down and getting my script before crowd starts coming in. While heading towards the scripts where at I was stopped by Nicole along w her little sister

"Can I help you?" I asked

"Oh honey you're going to need more than that and I'll make sure of that next week but for now I'm just letting you know that whatever you think is going to help you win this week or with your confidence isn't going to work not a single bit" she smirked, no idea what she means

"You know what I don't care I'm just trying to get my stuff and leave" trying to grab my script from the table but getting blocked by Nicole again

"Look what's your problem? " I asked patiently trying to wait for her to move

"You'll find out YOUR problem later not mine" she smirked once again "oh and if I were you I'd wear waterproof eyeliner or makeup in general just so you don't look more of a mess later" she finally walked away trying to figure out what the hell she meant. I looked over my script seeing that I have a match against the other best Bella , Brie and a segment afterwards with Nicole great I get to hear more of her.

Nicole's POV

"Oh sure as hell Rylie is in for one hell of a ride tonight " I laughed to Brianna.

"I'm glad you had Alicia number for once she's useful, now I know how to break Rylie's heart and confidence, sure as hell she won't be focused at all".

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