Chapter 22

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Seth's POV

I told Rylie how I felt , I told her everything I felt towards her it's indescribable she gives off this attraction that I've never got from anyone else.

"Seth I, I don't know after Matt it's as if I built these walls to protect myself from anyone he wasn't the typical boyfriend you could imagine that would give me the support I needed, what I'm trying to say is that I know you're a good guy and talking with you earlier today was a stress reliever it's something I needed after these past few weeks and if I gave you these mix signals I'm sorry but I just can't right now it's that I'm not ready to go on and pretend that everything is fine you know if i were ever to be with you I want to be hundred percent fine but right now I'm not I'm sorry just please understand me please?" with that I felt a million needles jabbing me slowly, I was sad & angry and hurt, hurt to what she said.

"Yeah you know maybe it wasn't the right time or just wasn't right at all just forget about it sorry I even brought it up, I'll see you later " I left to hear her call my name a few times before making it seem like my name were being called in echoes

Rylie's POV

I told him how I felt and he was hurt he showed it and I felt like a complete idiot but I wasn't lying I felt feelings for him but they weren't completely love it was feels of possible betrayal, cheating anything negative and I have to blame Matt for it he cheated on me and made me feel like complete shit every time we'd see each other and for that I built these self walls were anyone wouldn't be able to get close with me mentally, fuck I had tears going down but I quickly tried to wipe them away I had 10 minutes before going to commentary and I couldn't look like a complete mess out there.

I went to the guerilla catching up with Paige

"Hey is everything okay?" Paige asked I lied saying everything was cool and just told her Seth only wanted to talk more about the storyline, when in reality everything went to shit.

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