Chapter 38

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Seth's POV

Ever since my injury I've been trying my best to stay positive but it's difficult to one day be in the ring and the next in physical rehab. Mentally it's been challenging and it's been affecting my relationship I've been such an asshole to Rylie and I know she doesn't deserve it one bit but the pain I feel in my leg I take my anger on her and I can't control it and when I can I just don't feel the need to stop it.

* ring ring *

( private number )

"I hate it when you call me at this time" I mumbled to myself, I answered the phone.

"Why the hell are you calling me now?"

"Sorry seesh do I have to make an appointment to call you or something?" ( caller )

"Sorry I'm just not in the mood , you know Rylie could've been the one who answered it not me" I said

"And? What could've she done if she did?" ( caller )

"Whatever, so are you still coming ? I've reserved everything it's just a matter of time before she leaves late tonight " I said smirking

" just call me before you leave " ( caller )

" you already know the drill , anyways I hear someone knocking on the door I'll call you see you tonight " I said hanging up the phone, I went to see who was knocking on the door ,

"Hey man thanks for the papers and did Rylie say anything?" I asked the guy from the front office

"Nope she just gave this to me that's it" He said, I tipped him and went to the room. I was reading the papers and it says I have 5-7 more months till I'm fully recovered. I threw my papers against the stand knocking down a photo, I picked it up seeing it was myself & Rylie at this coffee shop in Tokyo, I remember this night like as if it was yesterday this was our first time being there and we made the most of it , karaoke, coffee and more

"I'm sorry" I said and laid it flat down on the stand , I love Rylie but I don't know if I love her like I did before, my injury has changed me but I know for sure it hasn't changed me for the good.

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