Chapter 33

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Seth's POV

I finished what I needed to do and headed back to the hotel room, once I entered my room I decided to grab a quick shower .

"wonder if Rylie's on her way" I checked out in the balcony

I went ahead and charged my phone near the bathroom hoping to get a call from her soon so we can eat out a bit.

Nikki's POV

"Look starting to think of it just leave him alone if he doesn't want anything with you then he doesn't want anything with you let him be Nicole" Brie kept on going on and won't shut the hell up

"Look Brianna I know what I'm doing and what to do I don't need you going on and on like a stupid broken record I heard you loud and clear " I rolled my eyes to her

"Then you know what's best for you , people are already speculating about this and it's going to have a bad reputation on the Bella brand" Brie kept on budging me

"Look Brianna I'm going and that's it just one last thing before the event tonight okay? I don't need your approval or opinion I need to win this match tonight and I'm not going to let her little Indy wanna be women's champ self get in my way to be the best their is okay? Trust me I know what I'm doing now why don't you be a good sister and get out of my way" I said to Brie who was clearly blocking my way to the door.

"Fine but don't come back looking like a complete idiot when this goes all wrong" she moved from the doorway, i blowed her a kiss goodbye heading to the hotel Seth was in, it's cute of him thinking I wouldn't know what hotel he stayed in, unfortunately for Rylie she's in for a surprise that will for sure guarantee me a win tonight.

I got down from the cab, "oh Rylie you're really are in for a surprise " I laughed and made my way to the hotel doors.

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