Chapter 44

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Seth's POV

"You couldn't even make it here even if you tried" I thought to myself looking at his stupid pic

"You said something ?" Roman asked

"Nah man just stupid stuff" I said looking down to phone when it was quickly snatched out off my hand "man what the hell I just said it was nothing"

"Really man? You're still doing this? How many times have you done this or no how many times have I caught you doing this? Just let it go man he hasn't done anything to you you're just wasting your time on this"

"Just give me my phone back" I said snatching my phone back

"You know next week we're going to Tokyo so maybe if you can put you ego away for a good minute or so you can possibly try to meet up with Rylie" Roman suggested , this will be my second time going to Tokyo and trying to figure a way out to meet up with Rylie again but I'm just not even sure what I can say

"Look big ego or not I would want to meet up with her it's just I don't know what to say man"

"Maybe an apology would help and tell her you fucked up in every way possible and you were too stupid of a man no too stupid of a person to let her go like that to someone like Nikki seriously man what was wrong with you?" He asked "Look it's getting late I'm gonna go home just think about it we only go there once a year don't want to screw it up twice now" Roman left and I just sat there on my couch scared thinking Rylie won't forgive me at all she has every right to not to but I can't even give myself an explanation it was as if I wanted to because I was mad at my injury and had to take it out on something and I was just stupid to take it out on her and go on to sleep with Nicole. Weeks after it I dropped everyone including Nicole & went on a retreat to try to forgive myself fortunately my career didn't get shit on it and I didn't get any hate all thanks to Rylie.

"god you're so fucking stupid Seth why did you have to do that" I screamed at myself I unlocked my phone and went back to what I was looking at

"You know you wish that was you, your arms around her" I whispered to myself looking at a picture of Rylie & her supposed new boyfriend jay white , yes I'll admit it I'm jealous Rylie moved in but I'm happy for her but it won't stop me to hopefully get her back.

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