Chapter 45

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The week of  the Japan Tour of WWE

Rylie's POV

I just finished coming out of the Tokyo dome with Jay, soon I know WWE is coming here tomorrow, they always do at least once a year funny this year I'll be accompanying Jay for the WrestleKingdom 14.

"Hey is everything okay?" Jay asked

"Yeah just fine " I said looking away from the poster

" Well I'll meet you back at the apartment I'm gonna go out with Okada and the rest want to join me?" Jay asked

"No it's fine" I smiled "go have fun with them I'll be at the apartment all day "

"You sure?" He asked

"Yeah just go have fun" I said , he kissed me then left while I walked to the other block to try to get a cab.

- 2 hours later -

It was 7 o'clock and Jay wanted to meet me for dinner, so I headed out to this sushi place that we always eat out before getting the chance to leave my apartment I heard a knock on my door, I assumed first it was Jay

"Did Jay wanted to eat here instead" I asked myself
"Maybe he forgot something "

I headed to the door "hey babe you should've decided if you wanted to eat here or th- " I opened the door and saw , him. My heart dropped

Seth's POV

Roman convinced me more than just to apologize I decided to leave a day early to Tokyo to get a chance to talk with Rylie longer before I get too busy.

( 5 hours later )

I finally arrived to Tokyo, wrestling here before I recognize some of the places here and there not as much but some. When Rylie & I were dating we had a plan to retire and live here specifically near Tokyo Dome because we both love the hard hitting japan styles and wanted to watch every match as possible she wanted an apartment that maybe 2 or 3 blocks from here hoping to get the chance to maybe find her .

I got in a taxi cab & handed him 3 locations hoping he'd drive me there and wait for me. Arriving at the first place nothing fortunately the guy was a huge fan of mine and believed Rylie & I were still dating , second place nothing but third is where I found her , the guy in the front knew Rylie & I broke up and he knows she's dating Jay but luckily liked me better which wasn't surprising but besides that I was told room 330 in the third floor. I was nervous I brought a single rose because I know she hates bouquets, I just hope she listens to me. Arriving to the front door I knocked and heard her yell

" hey babe you should've decided if you wanted to eat here or th- " the door opened



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