Chapter 2

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Seth's POV

After finishing a match with Dean I had to do an quick interview with Nikki about The Authority and all that.

"You're ready to get over with this?" Nikki rolled her eyes

"Ready to drive off from you" I smiled sarcastically

"Whatever" she said. Honestly I think she's beautiful only on the outside, inside she can be a total bitch. Yeah don't get me wrong I thought she was sweet and all but that's just an act until she got told she was going to be a heel but guess that was just her normal self.

Renee finally came to interview us, it only took us about 2-3 minutes to finished and I headed off to the cafeteria I was a bit starving. I glanced over where I saw Renee heading to and made eye contact with Riley, I never heard much about but just that she's really great to work with and a sweetheart and I never really seen her till now and I can say she's really beautiful, she quickly looked away dammit I probably creeped her out while staring at her. Damnit every time I stare at anyone I get told I come off intimidating or tough. Oh well maybe I'll catch her next week.

I headed off to my car just to find Nikki leaning against it, " what do you want now ?"

"Oh don't act like you don't know" she walked closer to me " Let's quickly grab a hotel room for the night and then you'll know" she whispered against my lips.

"Nikki I can't I don't even know if you're with John or not" I walked away to the drivers side.

"Look whatever you're hearing is false! I'm not with John according to him he doesn't want anything more and honestly I guess I don't either just fine! But can I get a ride with you please?" She said quickly, ha! She talked so fast before I can slam the door on her, but it looked like everyone else left so might as well.

"Fine get in then" I sighed

"Thanks Seth" she gave me a kiss on the cheeks. This is going to be a long ride.

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