Chapter 32

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Seth's POV

It's the morning of Saturday hours before SummerSlam and I couldn't be any more happier. Rylie and I are doing great and we're having our championship matches tomorrow what could be any better?

Rylie left to do interviews to promote the paper view and her match and I as well am going to leave to do so. I had an radio interview in about half an hour I decided to relax for a few minutes before I had to head out. After Rylie left I got phone calls from Brianna I didn't knew who it was till I answered it and no surprise it was Nicole asking for a talk which I told her to beat it and forget about this imagination dream of hers of her and I being together, and I thought AJ Lee was the crazy one. I wanted to tell Rylie but I figured she'll have more rage with Nicole than she already does but I'll tell her later.

Rylie's POV

I finished my interview with GMA and headed off with some of the girls to talk with a bit before heading back to the hotel , I texted Seth already about it and he's going to do the same with his guys. I arrived to the restaurant where I was going to meet with Paige & Nia.

"Hey girlies " I greeted them

"Hey" the both said hugging me. We all sat down got our drinks and orders in already.

"So are nervous tomorrow? I'd be shitting my pants right now" Nia laughed and so did Paige

"Yeah of course I'm nervous every match I'm in I'm nervous but lately I've been calm about it" I smiled

"Mhm I wonder why now" Paige winking at Nia

"Shut up" I looked at Paige while she & Nia were laughing

"Look I'm just really nervous it's my first title match since my debut on the main roster and I don't know how to handle this much pressure on me " I thought about the fact what if I don't win, what if I disappoint myself even more or even worst disappoint Hunter himself.

After about an hour I left to head back to the hotel hoping Seth will be there cause my phone died while being here,
"I'm sure he can calm me down more" I smiled.

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