Chapter 31

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Rylie's POV

Seth & I apparently got a room for ourselves and sure enough it was Seth's idea cause it would "save money" but hey I'm not complaining fine by me.

"Why did we get a room so far up?" I asked , "this hotel has like 20 floors"

"Maybe cause it's New York filled with so many people?" He laughed

"Well no shit but like never mind too complicated to even talk about"

We finally arrived to the floor of our room. We got to our room and entered into it realizing it was a suite and not just a "room"

"Wow" I said , I felt like a little kid walking into a huge candy store.

" Well I know we haven't really discussed what we 'are' and I felt like this was a perfect time to" he said walking in with a bottle of champagne

"Really?" I laughed

"Well I think we both deserve to relax and enjoy ourselves before our huge match" he said while handing me a glass of champagne

"Well guess we should enjoy this before our matches" I said taking a sip of champagne. He took my glass and put it down and got close to me

"I am in love with you Rylie, i have been for a while now and I'm taking advantage of the moment I have with you alone to tell you, I love you and won't ever stop loving you Rylie whatever you hear from Nicole or whoever is bullshit they don't speak for me or for my heart for what I feel for you and right here is what I feel for you" he took and my hand and placed it on his chest "this, this right here is what I feel for you never forget that" with that I couldn't respond I was speechless all I did was wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He didn't took long to respond he wrapped his arms around my hips and lifted me up making myself wrap my legs rushing up against the wall. "Take it off" he said slowly against my ear. As little space I had between the wall and my back I figured a way to take my shirt off and Seth's too, I threw our shirts on the ground and we made our way to the bed. He unbuttoned my pants, his lips against my chest slowly making his way down, I let out a moan making him chuckle. "god baby you're so perfect" he didn't hesitate taking off my panties, his tongue twirling inside of me made me moan multiple times , gripping on the sheets as hard as I can feeling an amazing sensation, he quickly turned me around , taking his pants off quickly and entering in me thrusting slowly and fast , I moaned loudly multiple times. He turned me around again, he was in top of me thrusting once again , I gripped on his upper back and his face buried on my neck. "Baby you're amazing I love you"

"I love you too Seth" And I do I do love Seth.

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