Chapter 11

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Seth's POV

Heading to Texas from Florida was insane I felt jet lagged. I made it safely heading to the hotel I was staying in. I caught a glimpse of the elevator closing it shut before I could yell the person who's in it to hold it open for me . Fortunately the person was Rylie.

"Oh Seth didn't knew it was you" she said with a small smile.

"Hey are you alright?" She looked extremely exhausted I'm guessing from being jet lagged as well.

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit jet lagged that's it" I was right.

There was moments of silence before the elevator opened guessing where her room was in, she waved bye after exiting. The elevator doors closed before it went one flight up. I got to my room laid on my bed trying to the make the most of it. But every time I close my eyes I can't sleep or try to rest only lay and think which calms me a bit but I think of stuff that are unrealistic , so unrealistic it bothers me so much.

Rylie's POV

After waving Seth goodbye I got to my room starving airplane's food are not the best. I ordered room service to get whatever can fill me up.

Hours passed maybe 3? 4? Lately I've been feeling down I mean with work everything's great it's just personally things be kinda bland, boring even yeah boring I can't make myself go out like the rest of the superstars and have fun without my stupid boyfriend telling me I look like a slut going out. I reached over to the side of my bed to see what time it was


Tomorrow's the show which I'm looking forward to I have segment with the authority which will be interesting, I'm hoping to have a match too. I also realized I slept for hours since I arrived at 12pm. Suddenly I jumped hearing a knock on the door, wonder who could it be.

I opened the door to see the last person on this earth I'd ever want to see right now.


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