Chapter 50

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Riley's POV

I walked into the hotel's entrance. Luckily this hotel only have 4 floors so I wouldn't have to find much. Clearly he's leaving soon so I'm not sure if I should wait here or just go to the elevator and check out each floor. Before I even decided I hear the elevator door ding. I turned to see what I wish wasn't true.

Seth's POV

I had a few days left before going back to the states. It felt pointless staying here if I wasn't going to do anything but mope , I genuinely want to see Riley one last time before leaving for good. I know my letter isn't enough but I hope she got the chance to look in the back of my letter. It had my location to my hotel room. I know she won't come but I just want her to know where I'm at, In case of anything .....

Riley's POV

"So this is where the bar is right?" I said looking at them him & of course Bea Priestley ( no hate I love her sm but used her cause she's well know in Japan 😁 )

"Riley what're you do-" he tried to say before I cut him off

"Look Jay I'm not here to hear some BS I clearly see what's happening between the both of you" I said staring at him

Then I turned my attention to her

"Out of everyone Jay it seriously had to be her?" I said

"Same thing I told Jay earlier today & last night" Bea smiled

"At this point I don't care do you want you want with Jay , we're done, it's quite sad but not surprising it's you Bea I know it must feel good sleeping with Jay behind my back but don't forget you can sleep with him as many times as you want and sure I'll be hurt but unlike you I won't stalk him, hunt him, consistently try to be booked under the same promotion as him" I said to her

"What're you even talking about?" She said worried

" oh you know what I'm talking about just know this unlike you I can have Will and you can't and I know that hurts it hurts to know he choose me over you and what hurts more is that I rejected him many times and yet not once has he asked to be with you, so you can have Jay cause at the end of the day I know it kills you that I can have Will and you can't " I smiled

(Will Ospreay btw also well know in Japan 😁)

"I'm done with this" I said leaving, Jay quickly grabbed my arm and I let go

"Please Riley WAIT" he yelled

"No Jay I'm done I am completely done with this I've had it to here. I'm no longer your doormat I've had ENOUGH!" I yelled

I walked away and before I left the door

" we're done, don't bother coming back and don't be surprised if I'm not there any longer" I said leaving, it hurts putting up a strong front, it hurts seeing someone you thought was the one lie & cheat in front of you. I just had to go back home.

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