Chapter 41

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Seth's POV

I knocked on the door trying to get in before anyone recognizes me, finally the door opens

"Couldn't get to the door faster?" I said

"Sorry I was getting ready for tonight" she got closer to me " don't want the night to end so quick right?"

"yeah I guess" I said giving her a peck on the lips

"Anyways what are you up to do or eat?" She asked

"Let's just order in not really in the mood to go out " I said hoping she would just say yes and go back on her phone and just not bother me

Suddenly there was a knock on the door

Rylie's POV

The elevator door opened to the eleventh floor, I was hesitant to even step a foot out but walked straight to 302. I was preparing myself as much as I can , i knocked in the door hoping to see him and him only.

{ The door opens }



Seth's POV

Seeing Rylie standing there with tears on the edge of her eyes, made me feel like there were huge boulders of rocks just landing on me

"What the hell is this shit?" She frustratedly said looking straight at her

"Really Seth? I thought you were pass this crap and you're really with her? Fucking Nicole again? You know what it's fucking done I'm done with this shit I'm so done with you and this bullshit you've been hiding from me for months now " she said storming out

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out" Nicole said laughing

"Oh you want jokes now? Huh well why don't I punch a line out for you in front of your face" she said going after Nicole

I quickly went in between them

"Look not here not now Nicole" I said, once I got a hold of Rylie she slapped my face

"Don't you even bother touching me ever again or calling me let alone see me go to hell along with this bitch" and then she stormed off

Rylie's POV

"Really Seth? I thought you were pass this crap and you're really with her? Fucking Nicole again? You know what it's fucking done I'm done with this shit I'm so done with you and this bullshit you've been hiding from me for months now " I said to him disgusted at him.

I stormed off quickly before I started to get more worked up then Nicole had the nerve to talk. The moment Seth has his hands on my shoulder I slapped him and told him to never see me again

I am so fucking done being nice

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