Hitting a rough patch

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I was running at fast as my legs could go. I ran past so many building and hit the slow one out of my way. If there a normal life story I'd be running to say goodbye to someone because I'm late or I'd be running because I'm being caught by some bullies. Sadly that's not the case, if it was I'd be pushing them out of my way and I wouldn't have to worry about getting eaten by them. I was running from a huge group of them, the stupid slow one we dragging their feet. God damn, if this was my normal life I wouldn't have to kill the damn Z's or worry about getting near people.

I turned the corner as a few blocked my way. I jumped on a dumpster and up to an old fire escape. I climbed as fast as I could, but slowed down once I was high enough. I stood looking down at them, watching them pull on the ladder that was just out of reach for them. Their peeling facing looking up at me, their dead eyes staring back at me. I pushed myself away from the railing and made it to the roof. I slowly walked to the door and listened to it. I looked down at my hand gun and let out a sigh. "Never have enough." I muttered to myself. I pulled my knife out of my side pocket.

I slowly opened the door and a zombie fell onto me, dead for good. I pushed it off and stood up, looking around. "Great, someone was here." I muttered as I walked thru the door. Walking down the hallway my ears were I high alert, trying to make my footsteps and quite as I could. Opening a door to apartment, most things were throw around, trashed and ripped. Hearing a noise I turned to see that face I'm so used to seeing. It grabbed my hair, but I stabbed it before it could bit me. I stepped over it and closed the door to the apartment. Walked throw room to room for anything, when a mug came into face with mine. I looked closer at it and blow the loose strain out of my way. I haven't seen my fetchers in some time. Man I looked different. Throwing the mirror open and looking throw things in there. I stopped and looked at it. 

 I grabbed my bag and pulled my pony tail tighter. I looked through everything once more before I walked out with only water. I mean it's water, but I'm running on fumes when it came to food. I walked down the stairs and put my knife thru one of those rotten bastards. My shoes hit pavement, I walked thru the roads, watching for movement. I heard a gunshot and looked around. I started to walked adjacent to that road, but another shot was fired. I let out a sigh and walked closer to the road. I stopped and watched as a bullet when thru it's head. I looked up and saw someone up there. Smart and the smart thing would be to leave them up there, who knows what they want, but on the other side the road is over run. If I stay here, I'll turn for sure.

I was walking up the stairs to find this person. Stepping on the steps slowly so I didn't make so much sound. I opened the door to the top and a z was walking over to him. "Hey Stupid." I said loudly. It turned as if insulted as I pulled out my knife. I stabbed it and looked back up at sniper. I stared at him for a moment, as he looked at me.  he gave me a face as I stared at him. there's something about this boy. Have I seen him before? "Thanks." he muttered. I nodded and walked to the edge of the roof. I took a seat and looked down at the roads below. "They should pass soon." I muttered, mostly to myself. I turned to grab my bag when I saw his still standing there. I heard a sound and pushed my bag away from me as I stood up. I ran to the door and slammed it shut. He ran over to me and pushed on the door. Looking around I noticed a chair. "Hold it." I muttered and he looked at me. I grabbed the chair and looked at him. He looked and me and could his eyes get any bigger. "It should hold." I said, but it sounded like I question. I shoved it in the door handle and stepped back.

I watched the door for a moment as the chair held. I let out a sigh as I sat back down. I grabbed my bag and pulled out my water. I took a sip and looked over at him. "Here." I said to him. He slowly took it as I watched him. I slowly reached in my bag and pulled out my father's old hunting binoculars. Watching them move away from the door, but still roaming the road. "Hitting a rough patch." I muttered. "Isn't it all a rough patch?" He asked me. I turned to face him and smiled at him. "I guess so. How did you get here?" I asked him. He sat down next to me and looked down at the roaming hoard. "Trying to get away from... that." He said, his eyes fixed on downward. I watched the hoard for a moment as cold air blow throw. "What about you?' He asked me. "Tried to stay ahead of them, but it didn't work very well." I said to him and he nodded.

I stared up the sky and let out a sigh, the door had stopped getting banged upon and the noises of them were quite. I stood up and brushed my bangs out of the way. "They should be gone now." we both muttered. I smiled at him for a moment before he looked back at the door. "Have you searched here yet?" I asked him. "No." He said plainly. I pulled my hand gun out before I took hold of the handle. He kicked the chair out of the way and I opened the door. "Do you have a light?" I asked him. He dug through his bag and pulled out a small flashlight. We walked slowly through the building and stopped at one of the doors. I filed with the door. "Locked." I muttered. I looked up and saw movement with growling. I moved over and tried the door next to it. "One thousand and one." he muttered as he shot the Z. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in the room.

I closed the door behind us and looked around the small hallway. I locked the door as he watched me do so. I followed close behind him as he walked slowly. He stopped as I heard a sound, that old sound. I turned and came into face with it's face.  It grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to it's mouth. I reached for my knife, but the Z fell to the ground. "One thousand and two." I heard him say. "Thanks." I said and he smiled. I stared at it for a moment, waiting for another. "I think we're good." he said to me. I walked around the place, looking around at everything. I opened a cupboard and looking inside. "Rotten apples, mouldy bread, and an empty can." I muttered. The light moved as I opened another one. "This guy lived by himself." I turned as he held up a photo. I turned back and looked through the cupboard. "More empty cans, more and more." I stopped as I picked one up. I walked back and set the can down, I walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a 'clean' knife.

I looked at him for a moment as things were gone. "Why count?" I asked him. He looked at me for a moment. "It's my goal...It also has to do with my name." He said to me. I looked at him for a moment as he looked at me. "Ten thousand." he muttered. "So 10k for short." I muttered, knowing the zs were still out there. I leaned back on the couch and looked at him. "What's your?" He muttered. "Geneva, but everyone used to call me Jean." I muttered as I heard a bang on the door. I when for a my bag and tried to look for something. I slowly pulled it out and even thought it was ripped and torn, but I just smiled down at it. I slowly handed to him and he slowly took it. "Only thing I have from the world before." I muttered, before a yawn escaped my lips. I watched as he stared and the card for a moment. He slowly handed it back to me.   I started to lay down on the couch as he looked at me. "You should get some sleep too." I muttered and closed my eyes.

I woke up and sat up like a shot. I looked around as the sunlight come through the windows. 10k was sleeping on the chair he sat in. I walked back to the kitchen and looked throw the cupboards again. I set things down and moved crap. I headed into the bathroom and looked around. I looked up at the shower rode and moved the curtain. Nothing for once and smiled to myself. I opened the bathroom cupboard and found some scissors. I held them in my hands and stared. I have to do this, you have to do this Jean. I quickly cut my hair, watching it fall to the ground.   I walked out of the bathroom and looked out the main door. There had to be few out there. I stepped back from the door and found a bedroom, it was trashed and bed was ripped itself. I throw things around and opened things. I looked into closet and my problem was nothing. Nothing was in there, clothes gone, shoes, boxes, the only thing was that was there was a pile of rages. I when for it, but pulled back, I watched as it moved.

I grabbed it and watched as rat moved closer to me. I lifted my foot and stumped on it and did it again. "Jean." I turned and looked at the door. I stuck my head on of the doorway. He looked at me for a moment and I smiled at him. I walked out of the room and grabbed my things. "Your hair." He said and I grabbed it. "the Zs keep grabbing it." I said and he nodded at me. he looked down and stared.  "What's on your shoe?" He asked me. I looked down and saw the blood. "Rat." I said to him. He looked at me for a moment before I nodded. I walked to the door and looked again. "We're good." I muttered. He pulled his sniper higher on his shoulder. I slowly opened the door and followed him.

We walked down the road, but a car was in our way. The door was open and blood was on the ground. I raised my knife and looked around. I looked into the car, but there was nothing. "Not even gas." I muttered. I pulled myself out of the car and stood on my own feet. I heard a sound and let my eyes rolls. "They never piss off do they?" I asked him. I turned to see them walking over, they were far away for people to be ahead of them. "We should-" "Yep." 

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