A New Mission: Keep Moving

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Kicking and raming, stabbing and whacking and shooting. I looked down at the Z or the pill left behind. "Oh Hope they're not all gonna be that hard to kill." Murphy said as I stared down at the pill. "Really Murphy?" I asked before he looked at me. "Why can't the virus mutate into happy peace-loving zombies and crave weed instead of brains?" Doc asked. "Let's get moving. Let's go." Warren said and started to follow her. Following the pathway of the cars before I was getting sick of it. I started to walk on top of the cars hearing feet following me. "Murphy! Catch up!" Warren yelled. "You know, we must've lost those Zona goons by now!" Murphy said. "Yeah, well keep moving!" Warren yelled back to him. "What kinda ass menagerie. Looks like Satan's parking lot." Doc said as i looked around. "They warned us about this in our mission briefings. Officially, it's "Spontaneous Mass Mortality Sight number 247" But civilians call it "The Great Pile." Goes on for 200 square miles. No way around it. No road through it. Just one big no-go zone." Sarge said.

"And yet, here we go." Murphy said to her and I looked at him. "Newmerica is looking better all the time." He added and I sighed, giving a small nod. "Roger that." Sarge said and I kept walking. "You know, if I was a zombie, and I am kind-of an honorary one this is exactly the kind of place I would hang out waiting to eat the brains of someone stupid enough to come along." Murphy said and I rolled my eyes. "You better hope not." I muttered. "Murphy, move your ass!" Warren yelled. I kept walking over top of the cars as I heard Murphy sigh. I turned to face him before he started to follow after us. "So Warren, I don't mean to be a buzzkill or anything on your mission from God or whatever it is. But do you have any idea where the hell we're going?" Murphy asked as we stopped. Warren was standing on the hood of a car. "East." Warren said, not even looking at us. "East? Just East? How far East?" Murphy asked. "Not sure. But for now, as far as we can go." Warren told us before we both looked over at Lucy. "Picking up anything?" Warren asked her. "Everything." Lucy said and felt sad for her.

"So here we were, marching through The Great Pile after eight years of apocalypse. Junk so thick, I wouldn't know a Z if it was three feet in front of me. All of this on Lieutenant Warren's orders.I can't shake the feeling this was all a big mistake." I heard Doc say behind me. "Are you talking to me? Cuz I already know this stuff." Tommy said and I looked back at them. "Oh, yeah no, I'm just working on my inner monologue." Doc said and I laughed at them. "Yeah, well try focusing on the inner part." Murphy said. "Play nice Murphy." I said to him. "You can't tell me what to do." Murphy said and I looked back at him. Murphy stop talking and I smiled at him. "Murphy whisperers strikes again." I heard Doc whisper and Tommy snicker about it. "Murphy whisperer my ass." I heard Murphy mutter. I sighed and turned to face him again. "Murphy." I started and he started to walk again. " I liked it better when you couldn't talk." he muttered. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"So when they briefed you, what'd they tell you about this place?" Warren asked. "According to our intel, a few years back there was some sort of crazy cult leader lady broadcasting out of a radio tower near here. Claimed space aliens were gonna land and take all the survivors to some zombie-free planet, but they didn't." Sarge said and I turned to looked back at the group. "Well that sounds insane. And oddly familiar." Murphy said. "Faith is a crazy thing." Warren said before I flicked Murphy. "Kid stop hitting me." He said to me and I smiled. " It wasn't me it's an alien." I told him. "Kid I hate you." he told me and I stared at him. "Do you? Do you really?" I asked him. "Every fibber." he told me. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. "Even Zs don't like this place." I heard Tommy say and know I was lost. "Last drone footage we have shows the mother of all zombie hoards heading straight for the Grand Canyon." Sarge said I stared up at her.

"We were nowhere near the Grand Canyon." Doc and Tommy said. "What's with them?' Sarge asked me. "I dunno." I told her before we started to walk again. "Queen strikes again." I heard Doc say and I shook my head. I kept walking and saw a Z stuck in the camper. I stared at his hands and frowned. "What's wrong?" I turned to face Sarge. "There's a ring on that's finger." I told her and she nodded. "Wonder where his wife it." I said. "I dunno, maybe so got out." Sarge said and I nodded. "That means she had to leave him behind. She's probably wondering about him." I said. "Oh she knows he's gone." Sarge told me. "There's always a small piece of hope." I told her. We walked for a bit, just behind Warren, there wasn't much to see in the sea of cars. "He should wear it on a chain." I muttered. Sarge looked over at me as we kept walking. "The ring, if he didn't want to lose it he should have worn it on a chain." I said and she stared. "Never mind." I muttered, walking a little faster. "A Z could have ripped it off of him. Or a person. If it's really important to him he would have it closer to his person." She said and I turned to face her.

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