Are You Kidding Me?

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I walked up to them and grabbed his coat, hearing footsteps following me. "Kid, what's going on?" I looked up at Doc and the footsteps stop. "Is this them?" I heard and I turned to face Sgt. Lilly. "Kid, what have you gotten us into?" Doc asked. "She need help and I said I'd get some. I thought you'd at least hear her out?" I muttered. "We'll hear them out." Sun said and I smiled at her. I turned to Sgt. Lilly and followed after her. We walked into a tent as someone guy also walking into the tent. Sgt. Lilly walking over to the other Marines. "We have no information regarding its whereabouts or its position. What we do know is that the convoy is overdue. It's possible they're lost or have run into mechanical difficulties. This, however, does not change our objective or our time frame." The obvious leader said. The other guy in the tent looked pissed.

"You've been telling us to be patient, to stand by, to stay put. But what if this convoy isn't coming? Then we're staying put, wasting our resources that we could be-" "I understand your frustration." the leader said to him and I stared over at the this other guy. "How can you? We've survived this long by moving, hiding, trusting only ourselves. Now you want us to trust you. But here, out in the open, exposed to the elements, we're sitting zombie bait." This other guy said and I rolled my eyes. "I know what you're thinking." Tommy whispered in my ear. "We don't have a choice." the leader said and I turned to other guy. He just rolled his eyes. "They are trying, the least you could do is be thankful. Not many people would stick their heads out like this." I said over to him. "That's easy for you to say, you just got here." he told me. "I get it, it's hot out here and you're tired of waiting, but this is a easier than most places. This is no real hardship." I said to him. "No real hardship? It's getting harder to get any food here. The sun is baking us out here and we keep getting that we'll be gone soon. Newsflash it hasn't happened yet." He said to me, walking closer.

"Are you being used out of fear to do what even these people want or being a hung on stick like a puppet. No, you get to what you want for the most part. Sleep when you want, talk to people, a safe fence and numbers." I said to him. "Now see here young lady." he started, walking closer at me, pointing his finger at me. "Ok, enough." Sgt. Lilly said as I was pulled back. "Now we can sit and complain about the state of things or we can be proactive and find a solution. And that's what I intend to do." the leader said as things calmed down in the tent. "The convoy was headed down this road. Based on our last contact, it would have to be between here and here." The leader said, pointing at the map. "That's almost ten miles." The guy I fought with said. "It is what it is." The leader said. "The convoy has munitions and supplies necessary to feed and protect us on our trek North. Without it, we are at a severe disadvantage." he added and I stared up at Tommy.

"I am calling upon two able-bodied volunteers to join myself Sergeant Czarnecki, and Private Lilly on a search party to track down the convoy and help lead it to camp. It's dangerous, but not acting is more dangerous." the leader said. "We'll go." Tommy said and I stared at Doc who was nodded. I turned and stared up at Tommy. I stared at him and thought what the hell are you doing. "It's okay. I'll be back. I promise." he said to me and I stared at him. "Don't break it." I whispered in his ear. "I won't." he whispered back. "I'll see to it." I heard the leader say. "Well I ain't got nothing else to do." Doc said and I sighed. "Good. Leave in 10. The rest of you need to rotate standing guard until we return.Sergeant Czarnecki will give you ammunition if you need it." the leader said. I got out of the tent and that headache come back.

"Jean, are you alright?" I turned to see Red standing there. "I'm fine." I said to her, but Sun stopped me. "One of the Marines told me you look liked you were going to pass out." Sun said and I stared at her. "I'm ok Sun." I said to her. "You're going to come with me anyway." Sun said, pulling me with her. I sighed there was not way to fight Sun on this. I followed after her as she pulled me with her. She lightly pushed me to sit and I looked up at her. "Jean? Red told me I'd find you here. What's going on?" I said up at Tommy and smiled. "It's just a headache. I'll be ok. It's all the noise... I think." I told him. "Are you sure? I could-" "I'm ok. I just somewhere quiet that's all. I'll be alright, Go find the caravan, they'll need you. " I said as if I knew. Tommy smiled down at me before he kissed my forehead. "You better be back soon, don't make me have to track you down." I said to him as he walked away.

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