Crisis of Faith

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"Hello muddah, hello faddah. Greetings from Camp Marijuana." Sarge sung and I looked over at her. "Big bud's good here." Doc and Sarge sang at the same time. "Hash is better. I'm so stoned that I can hardly write this letter." Doc sang by himself. "Okay." I said, looking around. "Here we are. Cannabis country." Sarge said and I put my hand up. "Uh, Sarge." I started. "Ya." She said, turning to me. "Oh my God. Those aren't pot leaves, dear. They're maple leaves. Those are Canadian flags." Murphy said to her, hiding his face. "Oh. Canada." Sarge said and I sighed. "Are we just going to stand on guard?" I asked and Tommy looked down at me. I waved my hand away from me. "So this is Canada." Tommy said, looking back at the building. "Newmerica's probably less than two day's drive now." Doc said and started to think about it. "Barring any unforeseen zombie action." Sarge said and I thought about that too.

"Well what do you say, chief?" Doc asked, turned to face Warren. "She's not the chief anymore. She said so herself." Murphy said and I turned to face him. "Shut up, Murphy." Doc said to him. "Are we doing this?" Doc asked Warren. I turned to see Warren picking off needles off a small pine branch she had. "We're doing this." Warren said, throwing a few needles to the ground. "Frozen waste land of peace, here I come." Murphy said. "Kinda seems too good to be true." Tommy said and I looked up at him. "Way too good." I added. "Yeah, I know what you mean, kids. I remember when Newmerica was called California." Doc said, looking over at Murphy. "Wonder if anywhere in Canada got nuked?" I asked. "Somewhere had to." Sarge said, looking back at me. "Ya, like Wonderland." Doc said and I looked at me. "Wonderland?" Tommy asked. "It's like Disneyland, but with less themed rides.' Murphy said, muttering cave boy. "Murphy." I started. "What? I didn't say anything." Murphy said, looking back at me. I stared up at him. "Calm, that resting b- face down." Murphy said. "Murphy." Tommy and I both said to him. "I didn't say it... leave me alone." Murphy back to us.

"It's just so hard to believe anything anymore." Doc said and I turned to him, stopping a fight. "Yeah, well I'm back to believing in nobody but myself. I'm still alive, and I keep going." Murphy said and I stared up at him. "Okay then." I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, you're like a cockroach that way." Warren said to Murphy. "Yeah, well you know what they say about cockroaches? They survive. And I plan to keep on surviving thank you very much." Murphy said and I rolled my eyes again, he's gone back to being a whiny blue bitch. I heard snarling and turned to see Zs. "Oh, tabernac!" Murphy said before running off. Doc quickly followed after him. "Warren, check your three." Sarge said, and Warren pulled out her gun. "More coming, Sarge. 12 o'clock." Tommy said and they walked off. "Well, I'll just... uh." I heard snarling behind me. "Deal with them." I said to myself, pulling out my knife.

I grabbed the first Z and focus them together. I quickly grabbed my other knife and stabbed the both of them. I ripped my knives out and watched them both drop. Looked around and noticed a few Zs walked closer to the group. I spun one of knives in my fingers and throw in at a Z. I turned and stabbed another walking behind me. I ripped in out of the Z and walked over to the one I throw my knife at. I grabbed the knife quickly and turned to see a another Z behind Tommy and Sarge. I quickly throw my knife in between them and turned to stomp on the head of the last one. I turned to face Tommy and Sarge, who were both staring at me. They both blinked at me a few times. "What? I had to save you two." I said to them. "Show off." They both said back to me. I looked at both of them, before I grabbed my knife. "You do what you have to, for the people in your life." I said. Felt something lightly hit me and I turned to see Sarge holding a horse whip. I stared at her and she just smirked. "I'm keeping this." Sarge said and I knew my mouth was hanging open. She brought the whip stick up to my chin and closed my mouth with it.

"Uh-that just happened." I heard Tommy say and I looked over him. "Well I don't mean to stereotype, but those were the nicest zombies I've ever seen." Doc said and I shook my head. "I know, eh?" Murphy said and I started laughing under my breath. The laughter stopped once I heard growling and I turned to see more Zs, hockey Zs. "Back to America.

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