I Can't Part 2

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I rested my head on Tommy's shoulder and closed my eyes. We just kept going in slow circles with the music. The song stopped and something faster played. "Tommy." We heard and we both looked up to see Hall. "Come join me for a moment." Hall said, pulling him away. With his red flushed face and goofy stance I know. Hall was already drunk. Didn't see that one coming. He's got a kid to take care of. Hall pulled Tommy away from me talking about something pre-apocalypse. I stood there, holding my dress, surrounded by people, but feeling isolated. I slowly walked through the dance floor, before someone grabbed my hand. I was pulled close to this person as they put their one arm around me. I looked up and stared at this person. Those hazel eyes and brown short cut hair. That smirk still on his face. "You-" "Don't scream." He said over me. He held on to me tightly so I won't run.

"You have two seconds to tell me why you're here and not in that cell you call home, before I step on your foot." I told him. "I broke out." He said and I stepped on his foot.He groaned, but didn't let go. I was going to do it again, when he took a step back. "I know you hear his voice. Telling you that you can't get rid of him, right?" He asked and I stared up at him. "Listen, I'll tell you everything, but not out here. If you want to know everything, follow the signs. And don't let anyone follow you." He said as his grip loosened. "Maybe use that moment of yours." He whispered, before twirling me away from him. I spon and once I stopped he was gone. I looked around, but I couldn't see over the crowd. I stood there again watching everyone having fun. Someone looked at me and I smiled at them. They smiled back, before they turned away.

"Jean." I heard and I turned to see Sarge. She walked up to me and stared at me. "What are you doing on the dance floor alone?" She asked me. "I'm not alone." I told her, pointing around. "Oh this is just sad. This is your wedding-- come on." Sarge said, pulling me through the crowd. We stopped by the bar and Sarge lend on it. She raised her hand, two fingers. "How are you feeling?" Sarge asked as the drinks were given to us. "Fine." I said as I raised my glass to my lips. The drink was grabbed out of my hands and I looked up at Murphy. "Nope." He said to me. "What? Why?" I asked him. "Warren wants to make a speck. And she said no drinks until after." He said and I looked around. "Really, cause there are people here already drunk and I can see drinks in people's hands." I pointed out. "Warren said not you." He said. "Not until after." I stared at him. "Warren didn't say anything about that." Sarge butted in. Murphy stared at her, ready to bite her,

I took the drink from him and was about to drink it when Murphy smacked it out of my hands. Sarge was covered by the booze as the glass hit the ground, shattering. Sarge stared down, before looking at Murphy. "That's it red." She said, but someone grabbed her. "Go get cleaned up Sargent." I looked up to see Warren. She let Sarge go and she walked off. "Wesson, clear this up." Murphy said as Warren pushed Murphy away. "You ok baby girl?" She asked. I looked up at her and smiled. "I'm fine." I said. She smiled and walked away. When will this night be over? I stood there and bent down to help Wesson. I handed him some glass,but he stopped me. "You'll cut yourself." He said. "Ya so? It's the apocalypse. People get hurt all the time." I told him. "Mister Murphy doesn't want you to get hurt." He said. "Well I already did." I said. "He doesn't want you physically hurt. Said to treat you like glass." Wesson said.

I slowly stood up and looked around. I saw Murphy walking to the door. I followed after him and forcefully opened the door. It hit the wall, making a huge banging sound. I walked up to Murphy and grabbed him. "What the hell? Why are you telling people to treat me like glass?" I asked him. "It's your wedding night. I don't want anyone to ruin it for you." He said. "Ya, then why take the drink away from me? Huh?" I asked him. "People make dumb decisions when they're drunk." Murphy said. I pushed him more into the brick wall and he raised his hands. "Are you saying I'm dumb now?" I asked him. "No, no. not dumb, but it's dangerus." He said. I heard the door open and let Murphy go.

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